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Hicbd's Ideas

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Films on film could be shown

By Hicbd

"The intention of the project is to document the wide array of exhibition settings for analog film around the world, to provide a practical resource for filmgoers hoping to view films in these formats, and to assist filmmakers, archives, and film distributors in researching potential venues for their work."


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Movies / Film / Cinema Recreation / Leisure / Hobbies / Fun


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Magic words could create poetry

By Hicbd

"We all have stories inside us—whether or not we consider ourselves “creative.” Poet and novelist Joseph Fasano has developed a remarkable tool that allows anyone to experience the joy of creative expression. The fifty simple yet powerful prompts in this book are poems that you complete yourself. By adding just a few words of your own, you create something beautiful and wholly new—that comes from within."


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Creativity Poetry


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Pension / endowment funds could have a passive investment approach

By Hicbd

"Steve Edmundson has no co-workers, rarely takes meetings and often eats leftovers at his desk. With that dynamic workday, the investment chief for the Nevada Public Employees’ Retirement System is out-earning pension funds that have hundreds on staff. His daily trading strategy: Do as little as possible, usually nothing....Now many public pension funds are embracing Nevada’s do-nothing approach as they wrestle with dwindling cash and low interest rates"


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Investing / Portfolio Management Pension Funds / Public Pensions Institutional Investing / Asset Management


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Baby led weaning could have pros / cons

By Hicbd

"Advocates say there are many benefits, from helping children better regulate their appetites to fostering more adventurous eating. But does scientific research bear these findings out? And, perhaps most importantly, is BLW safe?...One challenge in assessing the pros and cons of weaning methods is the lack of high-quality research."


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Infant / Baby Care Medical / Health Research


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A mobile bridge for roadwork could be used to not disrupt traffic

By Hicbd

"Resurfacing a highway requires shutting down lanes, and this creates disruption. The Swiss don't like disruptions. Thus the Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) hired Marti Technik AG, a construction firm that specializes in cutting-edge technology and special equipment, to design and build a solution. Marti Technik's answer is this incredible Astra Bridge. Its modular components are trucked to site and assembled, creating an elevated roadway that allows workers to resurface 100 meters of roadway at a time while traffic flows overhead, unimpeded."


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Bridges Traffic / Road Congestion Construction / Carpentry / Building Engineering


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Gig workers / volunteers / seniors could provide care for the elderly / disabled

By Hicbd

"The company is Brooklyn, New York-based Umbrella, a membership service that allows older adults to connect with people in their neighborhood. In particular, Umbrella assists seniors by connecting them with individuals who can help them with everyday household chores, including home organization, meal preparation, light housekeeping and trips to the grocery store. Umbrella also helps seniors find companionship — a staple for the traditional home care agency."


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Retirement Volunteering Business / Invention Idea Aging / Longevity Startups Elderly Care / Seniors Impact / Philanthropy / Social Good Investing Capital Disabilities Contracted Labor / Work / Gigs Loneliness Nonprofit / NGO Idea Taskrabbit (company) Homecare


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Malnutrition / debilitating illnesses could be treated at homes versus health centers

By Hicbd

"When you’re feeling poorly—really poorly—the last thing you want to do is get yourself down to the doctor’s office. For young people with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in Somaliland, travelling to a treatment facility used to be the only option; for many of them, the trip could be long—even dangerous...The study will work with community female health workers (FHWs) to pilot adding treatment for acute malnutrition into integrated community case management (iCCM+). This means communities who struggle to access health centres and facilities can get the treatment they need, much closer to where they live."


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Global Rural Areas / Villages Global Nutrition / Hunger / Food Security / Famines / Malnutrition / Stunting Global Health Developing Countries


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Malnutrition could be checked by arm measurement by parents / community health workers

By Hicbd

"Concern Worldwide and the Ministry of Health are training mothers to screen their children for acute malnutrition, and if necessary refer them for treatment. We’ve learned from our partners that the home is a vital frontline in the fight against hunger. The CeaSurge project teaches mothers and caregivers to use a MUAC (mid-upper arm circumference) screening band. A big part of the project is to test whether mothers can take and understand the measurements properly. If they can, they’ll be able to get their children to local health centres much quicker. Which could save a lot of kids’ lives."


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Global Poverty International Development / Foreign Aid / NGOs Global Nutrition / Hunger / Food Security / Famines / Malnutrition / Stunting Global Health Developing Countries


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Low-cost, easy to use / maintain, irrigation pumps could be available to small-scale farmers

By Hicbd

"KickStart designs and mass markets simple, money-making tools that open up business opportunities for poor smallholder farmers...These low-cost ($35 and $100 USD) pumps are sold in local retail shops (KickStart works with factories, shippers, distributors and dealers to ensure that our pumps are made widely available and accessible to poor communities and in rural areas), and once purchased, enable farmers to move from rain-fed farming to irrigated agriculture at which point they can grow crops year-round and sell their crops at a profit during the dry season when prices are high."


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Social Enterprises / Entrepreneurship Irrigation Business / Invention Idea Impact / Philanthropy / Social Good Investing Capital Global Nutrition / Hunger / Food Security / Famines / Malnutrition / Stunting Global Agriculture / Smallholder Farms Developing Countries Engineering


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A digital library / wikipedia could be provided in areas with unreliable, slow internet

By Hicbd

"Our major focus is the eGranary Digital Library. Hailed as a new way of delivering the world's knowledge to the seven out of eight people who cannot access the Internet, the eGranary Digital Library puts millions of documents at the fingertips of those at educational institutions in developing countries without using an Internet connection. The few schools in the developing world with connections to the Internet spend enormous amounts of money for slow and unreliable connections. The eGranary Digital Library overcomes this problem by storing huge amounts of information on hard drives inside a school's internal network."


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Libraries International Development / Foreign Aid / NGOs Global Internet Access / Digital Inclusion Global Rural Areas / Villages Wikipedia Nonprofit / NGO Idea Developing Countries


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