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Taco trucks could make the same music as ice cream trucks!

By Mai

or food trucks in general...


Food Trucks


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Hicbd thanks Mai! :D


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Detect signals from human body other than brain waves.

By Tao

Some people can predict what people going to say(more like "from nothing", not like completing someone else's sentence.), or what they are thinking. That's where this idea comes from.
I think it won't happen for no reason, there mush be some signals from human body, and some people can react to such signal(predict).
Imagine the possibilities if we can detect those signals and convert it to words or text.

I did some research, seems nobody has achieved it yet.(If somebody did, please let me know, I also have some ideas come after it.)

I'm not just thinking of it, I really want to make it happen, and I have some idea where we start.
I'm looking for some partners who also want to make it happen. Seriously.

Please contact me if you are interested.
My email:

Best regards.


Science Biology Human Body


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Hicbd Seems cool, thanks Tao :)


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Splited Economies, 2 time zones in 1 community

By Ho Lam

Dividing the population into 2 parts. One part work and live at the daytime and sleep at night time while another part does the opposite. This is a solution to the lack of land and to better utilize the land we already developed.

Simply divide the stakeholders of the economy as 1.households, 2.firm and 3.government:

1. household
household works exactly the same as we all experiencing in current setup. The only difference is that half of them work, study or live in the night time.

2. firm
There are at least two models can be applied:

2.1. Operates 24 hours (or 8 hours at night, 8 hours at day)
Fully utilize the workplace area by operating at full capacity which some fast-food restaurant is applying.

2.2. Lends the place to another business to operate at opposite time zone
Suppose the boss of the firm is self-distrustful to operate 24 hours. The boss can lend the place to whosesoever business. This case works similar to shared workplaces but just with the shifting of time.

3. Government
The public services also have to run 24 hours. An acting president or vice president can be the one who manage the opposite time zone as president. The regulations should be same for both time zone and they should be even.


Government Economy Business Human Resources / Capital Families


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Hicbd Thank you Ho! Interesting :)


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Enjoy a Boat trip in Dubai- Sailing on A Dubai Dhow Cruise

By mala

There are numerous ways through which you can enjoy as well as have fun in Dubai as it has become a new hotshot in tourism. People from over the world travel to Dubai in order to enjoy its beautiful architecture, shop, amazing desert safari as well as dinner on a cruise. Your trip to Dubai will be most memorable when you rent a boat in Dubai. Sailing on a Dhow cruise Dubai has its charm, especially at night.


Cruises Dubai


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Hicbd Thanks Mala! Sounds fun :-)


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Are Video Games Sexist?

By Ainsley

Are video games Sexist??


Say you found a great new game, and the starting character is male, and you have to pay for a new character. How do you feel?? Is this the case in most games? Video games are sexist because the number of female protagonists in games still lags behind the abundance of male ones, the way female characters are designed and depicted has often been sexualised and is derogatory, and us girls don't need a knight or even a king to come save us.
Body #1:

Sometimes you try to play a new game, but the starting character is the opposite gender. This is certainly the case for girls. Video games are sexist because there are more boy characters then girls. In a recent study at Indian Valley Middle School, 40 students were asked these questions. “What do you see more of?” Male or Female characters. 91.9% of students said that they saw more male characters then female characters in video games. The students were then asked, “Do you think there should be more female characters or "Skins" in games? And 76.9% said yes. This information shows that video games are sexist. Don't believe me? Read on.

Body #2:

Do you ever hate how exaggerated the girls characters in a game are, if there are any female characters to start with? A report from Shows that they believe “girls characters are drawn with exaggerated figures and minimal clothing.” This is true and shown in these games: Bayonetta, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy VII, The Witcher, Metroid, Lollipop Chainsaw, yes Andrew, EVEN fortnite and many MANY more. In games like these, designers don't leave much room for the girls who don't dress with minimal and provocative clothing. The girls are usually exaggerated, and made to look unrealistic. Some girls find disappointment in these characters and feel that they are left out by this. Which brings me to my next point.

Body #3:

Video games are saturated with stereotypes. “Since their origins, video games have tended to portray women as characters needing help or holding passive roles.” This was stated by The Frontires website. First of all, I speak for almost all girls when I say “We can take care of ourselves, and we don't need a man to come swooping in to save us.” In lots of games this is the case. So for all of the designers out there that make us females look like the helpless, in need of service, pick-me kind of girls, Please think about the people you might be offending and hurting before you publish your game for the whole world to see, and criticize. And for the rest of you readers, you don't have to stay silent. Tell the world that video games need to change and it needs to be soon.


So to sum up everything i have stated, Video games are sexist because the number of female protagonists in games still lags behind the abundance of male ones, the way female characters are designed and depicted has often been sexualised and is derogatory, and us girls don't need a knight or even a king to come save us. Thank you.


Women / Girl / Feminism Issues Gender Equality Video Games / Gaming


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Hicbd thank you Ainsley, important points!


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Chess like warhammer


If you are familiar with games workshop warhammer aos or 40k then the concept will make sense. Otherwise all you need to know about warhammer is that each sides army is assembled based on a total point value with particular units costing various amounts of points.

So I was thinking about chess in a similar way. Using the standard point evaluation for chess peices. I.e.
Pawn 1
Knight 3
Bishop 3
Rook 5
Queen 9
You can now agree on a point total with your opponent and then you can both build your sides. This would only really be possible if you have several chess sets to draw multiple peices from. My example would be agreeing on a game of 40 points each. So one guy may want 4 queens worth 36 points and 4 pawns to round out his 40 points. The other guy may decide to take 4 rooks 3 knights 3 bishop's and two pawns to make his 40 points.
Both sides must each take only one king as that price remains the crux of winning the game. Deployment could be done by alternating placing peices in your zone starting with white. Finally I think the first 3 rows should be used to deploy your peices instead of the first two as in normal chess.
After that it goes like any normal game regarding rules of play. Not sure this would really work as I have not tried myself. Just wanted to put it out there. Thanks!


Chess Board Games / Games


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Hicbd Thank you James - seems cool :)


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Universal sign language for all

By Teresa

A committee of experts would develop a universal sign language. This would be taught starting in preschools to all students all over the world. In a couple of generations people all over the world could communicate freely without learning a foreign language.




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Hicbd that would be so cool - thanks for the idea Teresa!


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Modified rotary engine

By Anand

Features of the Engine
1. Designed for High Power Small capacity engines, bigger engines require bigger cams to operate the Piston
2. The capacity of the engines can be increased by linking 2 or more parallel engines.
3. Simple construction, Absence of valves like in the case of 2 stroke engines.
4. Torque can be increased by increasing the diameter of the rotor
5. Dynamic balancing is better because of rotary motion
6. Combustion efficiency is better, The A/F mixture undergoes combustion in the constricted clearance volume of the rotor, and thereby flame propagation is better. In the reciprocating engine the expansion of the gasses lead to lower flame propagation and unburnt gasses.
7. Because of efficient combustion pollution is less.
8. When the gasses undergo combustion in the constricted rotor space the full energy is utilised for rotary motion where there is very less room for expansion and all the power is utilised for rotating the shaft hence the power available at the rotor shaft(Drive shaft) is more, Higher RPM is available.
9. Change over to high capacity engines can be easily converted by using Fuel and air injectors for example as in locomotives. My Patent application publication refers to this type of engine. (Ref:Patent application publication no 201741004922).
10. Volumetric efficiency is high, since combustion of A/F mixture does not happen directly in the piston head or the cylinder heat expansion of inlet mixture is less thereby increasing the density of A/F mixture coming from the carburetor.
11. The design makes use of both rotary and reciprocating principles taking the best of both, Suction and compression by the piston and combustion and exhaust by the rotor.
12. Need for a separate flywheel is not needed .The rotor itself acting like a flywheel by adding dead weights.
13. It is more compact and lesser number of moving parts when compared to reciprocating engines.




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Hicbd Thanks Anand!


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By Nilanjana

Differences between man and man have existed from the beginning of time. From a study of Psychology and Human Rights Law, I have realized that Violence is NOT an inherited trait. Therefore, the realization (achievement) of Peace is not only DESIRABLE but also POSSIBLE.

Peace is NOT just the absence of war. To primary breadwinners in developing nations, what is of more importance is laying down food on the tables for their families and children to eat, sending their kids to school, and so on and so forth. Meeting the harsh realities of daily life becomes particularly important for those living in war/conflict ridden regions of the world such as Syria.

It is inconceivable that any lasting peace in our world can be achieved as long as millions die of poverty, hunger, disease and war. This is the "Silent Holocaust". That millions should die of preventable causes daily. This can be the genesis of much hatred and intolerance in a highly polarized world. This also explains why even developed nations should constantly live in fear of terror. According to me, there is NO such thing as a War on Terror; In fact, there is NO terror except in our minds. These are our children, indeed our future generations, who have or are still growing up in situations of conflict themselves, or been forced into conflict as a result of religious / ethnic persecution and / or a lack of love, guidance, direction in life. We MUST invest in our young people, (especially in early childhood development) for without it young people are compelled to take to arms.

PEACE IS POSSIBLE IF WE BELIEVE IT IS. If we are to achieve a happier planet, we MUST also begin with inner peace. And teaching our children human values. PEACE IS POSSIBLE AS LONG AS WE MAKE A DETERMINED EFFORT TO ACHIEVE IT.

This is only a Utopian Dream. As a Published Egalitarian Author and Young Thinker, I cannot do complete justice to questions such as "Why are even some primitive peoples peace loving peoples while contemporary civilization shows an almost never-ending capacity for destruction?' Examples from World History are the Arapesh in Papua New Guinea and Gandhi and King on the one hand and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hitler, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia etc.

I do nevertheless wish that as an Alternative Thinker as also someone who is herself in relentless pursuit of peace and happiness, one day, my dreams will turn into reality.


Child Development / Care Peacebuilding International Relations


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Hicbd Thank you for the great, important sentiments Nilanjana - we too hope peace is possible


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An Online Portal for health care personnel,doctors,patients,fitness and health concerned people can connect online across the globe.

By Ysswarya

As of now , Covid situations has led to generate a new concern for people about health care and healthy lifestyle.I would like to see an online platform where doctors, health care personnel,patients, fitness enthusiast or random people can access the online solutions and treatment ,remedies and similarly doctors, health care personnel people can recommend the online prescriptions, diagnosis and connect across the globe.


Personal Health Website / Blog / App / Startup Idea Medical Personnel Pandemics / Epidemics


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Hicbd Thanks Ysswarya, would be very useful right now


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