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Public benefit administrative burdens / forms could be reduced / be easier to comply with

By Hicbd
Tue Mar 9 2021 10:21 am

"In Texas, families risk losing Medicaid if they don’t promptly open a letter they may not be expecting, find and copy their recent paystubs, and send them back — all within 10 days of when the letter was issued. In Indiana, families who need dental care must mail a monthly premium as low as $1, less than it usually costs a state to bill and record a payment. In West Virginia, some adults who receive food assistance must document their work hours every month."


URL Credit

Global Poverty Public Benefits / Social Safety Net Social Welfare Policy / Human Services / Public Benefits / Safety Net / Social Work U.S. Poverty Social Services U.S. State Government U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Government IT / Technology Nonprofit / NGO Idea Behavioral Sciences / Economics Texas Indiana West Virginia


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