Tech bootcamps / law school / entrepreneurship / entry-level jobs could be offered to ex-prisoners
By Hicbd
"To create a world where tech opportunities are accessible to all, empowering formerly incarcerated individuals as skilled software engineers and supporting their successful transition into the workforce.
- Comprehensive coding bootcamp sponsorships
- Hands-on apprenticeship placements
- Dedicated career support and mentorship"
Please login to commentBetter testing could differentiate between viral / bacterial infections
By Hicbd
"In developing countries, most antibiotic prescriptions are not only pointless — an estimated 70% to 80% of them are given for viral infections, which the medications don’t treat — they’re also harmful, as overuse of antibiotics accelerates antibiotic resistance...Now, a new gene expression-based test developed by Stanford Medicine researchers and their colleagues could allow doctors around the world to quickly and accurately distinguish between bacterial and viral infections, thereby cutting down on antibiotic overuse."
Please login to commentLasik could have serious complications / side effects
By Hicbd
"Patients considering Lasik surgery should be warned that they may be left with double vision, dry eyes, difficulty driving at night and, in rare cases, persistent eye pain, according to draft guidance by the Food and Drug Administration. After surgery, patients may still need eyeglasses, the document warns. If put into effect, the agency’s warnings are likely to come as a surprise to many Americans, who view the procedure as safe and commonplace."
Please login to commentHistory textbooks could be written together by different countries / viewpoints
By Hicbd
"Choosing to focus on these years was a brave move, given that national interpretations of World War II and its aftermath are notoriously different from country to country. But French and German authors rose to the challenge, producing the world's first history book co-written by two countries."
Please login to commentPregnancy cervical / vaginal checks could be unnecessary / harmful
By Hicbd
"The thing about cervical checks towards the end of pregnancy is that they can be uncomfortably physically and emotionally...In this study they wanted to see if those weekly cervical checks could have the negative side effect of leading to your water breaking before labor starts, also known as PROM, or Premature Rupture Of Membranes."
Please login to commentIce cream / milkshakes could be boozy
By Hicbd
"PROOF Alcohol Ice Cream is based out of Columbia, South Carolina, but now the boozy treats are being sold at North Carolina Harris Teeter and Lowes Foods locations. They're also available at Total Wine and More. PROOF pints contain 7 percent alcohol by volume. The company offers several different flavors including Bourbon Caramel, Mocha Chocolate Moonshine, Cheesecake Moonshine and Coconut Rum."
Please login to commentThe third stage of labor / afterbirth could be natural / less painful
By Hicbd
"Choosing to forego preventative oxytocics, to clamp late (if at all), and to deliver the placenta by our own effort all require forethought, commitment, and that we choose birth attendants that are comfortable and experienced with these choices."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"One reason this is worrisome is that high blood pressure is a major factor in preeclampsia, a potentially life-threatening condition that may affect women late in pregnancy and in the early weeks after birth. Now a study in Obstetrics and Gynecology suggests that a team approach to monitoring blood pressure at home may help some women avoid serious complications."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"The inability, or unwillingness, of states and the federal government to track maternal deaths has been called 'an international embarrassment'...They died from cardiomyopathy and other heart problems, massive hemorrhage, blood clots, infections and pregnancy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia) as well as rarer causes. The U.S. has the worst rate of maternal deaths in the developed world, and 60 percent are preventable."
Please login to commentPro athletes could have financial education
By Hicbd
"In 2014, Hillary began working on an educational platform for professional athletes that focuses on the fundamentals of banking and credit systems in the US. With the help of the National Certification of Financial Educators, Hillary created a program that allows each athlete to learn at their own pace, get one-on-one training on how to read their credit report, improve their individual FICO score, and create a monthly household budget. The program is custom-tailored to each individual and allows them to improve their knowledge base and set goals based on their personal financial picture."
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