The WTO could have a parliamentary assembly
By Hicbd
A WTO parliamentary assembly could be created to allow for more democratic participation in WTO decision making.
Please login to commentMicroinsurance could be offered to citizens in developing countries
By Hicbd
Health insurance, insurance against bad weather, insurance against the deaths of livestocks, etc. could be more widely offered to the poor. Government subsidies to fund insurance schemes could pay for themselves in terms of higher citizen's incomes.
Please login to commentBanks could be easier to access at local shops
By Hicbd
Banks could use local shopkeepers to take deposits into accounts and issue receipts to customers that a bank is legally obligated to honor rather than only using bank employees. India has enabled this through the Banking Correspondent Act.
Please login to commentInternational migrant remittances could be easier to obtain
By Hicbd
The cost of international migrant remittances could be reduced by decreasing countries' taxes and/or forming a International Remittance Network. Diaspora bonds could be used to raise financing from overseas diaspora and future remittances could be securitized.
Please login to commentIdentification systems / digital IDs could be built for citizens
By Hicbd
Initiatives could be funded to create identification for citizens to be able to receive government benefits, get bank accounts, build credit for insurance, etc. in order to spur overall development and social welfare.
Please login to commentForeign aid could be given as stimulus checks to country's citizens
By Hicbd
Citizens could receive checks to spur the economy versus governments receiving aid for programs with specific requirements.
Please login to commentIce cooling tanks could provide air conditioning
By Hicbd
Ice cooling tanks could be used to provide air conditioning to buildings. During off-peak electricity hours, energy can be used to make and fill the containers with ice. During the heat of the following day, the melting ice can chill the piping that feeds the air in the ventilation system and cool the building.
Please login to commentCO2 could sucked up and buried to reduce levels in the atmosphere
By Hicbd
CO2 could be buried, at least three thousand meters, or two miles below sea level into the seabed. At that depth, the extreme water pressure and low temperature could turn the carbon into a liquid denser than the surrounding water, forming a layer that would prevent it from rising back up into the ocean.
Please login to commentWine could be mixed with water
By Hicbd
As the ancient Greeks and Romans did, wine could be mixed with water before drinking to enhance the flavor.
Please login to commentFires could be extinguished with a wand
By Hicbd
Fires could be extinguished with less damage by a wand that creates an electric field producing a flow of charged particles that can subdue a flame.
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