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Life could be non-linear / contain lifequakes

By Hicbd

"The number of changes we go through in life is quickening; the pace we’re going through them is faster and our breadth of life experiencing them is wider. The basic unit of change is a disruptor, because it’s value neutral: some disruptors are negative and some are positive. You can be becoming an empty nester or getting married or getting sober or retiring. You can also be getting a diagnosis or losing a job in the pandemic. We go through three dozen life transitions in our lives; one every twelve to eighteen months. That’s more often than most people see a dentist."


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Therapy / Counseling / Healing Personal Growth / Self-Help / Development Life


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U.S. streets could be safer

By Hicbd

"But experts say, more than the design of vehicles, the design of the roads themselves is to blame for the alarming rise in pedestrian fatalities. Correspondent Jim Axelrod talks with advocates who are pressing for improved designs of roadways that will better protect pedestrians."


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Streets Local / County Government Car Accidents / Traffic Fatalities / Road Safety Citizen Feedback U.S. Department of Transportation United States / America


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Nitrous oxide / other pain management methods could be used for childbirth

By Hicbd

"Birthing mothers have relied on the odorless, colorless gas to get through childbirth since the 1800s. In fact, mothers-to-be in places like Great Britain, Finland, Canada and Australia have used laughing gas for decades."


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Pregnancy / Prenatal Care Business / Invention Idea Pharmaceutical Industry Pain Management Medical / Health Research Childbirth / Pregnancy Labor / Caesareans / C-Sections Anaesthesiology


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Dinners could be held outside on farms, beaches, parks, etc.

By Hicbd

"Outstanding in the Field is a recurring outdoor dining event. Founded in 1999 by Jim Denevan in the United States, it has been held in 17 countries. Local chefs create a four- or five-course menu for each event no more than a few weeks before it is held, designing the menu based on local ingredients and the event venue, and attendees do not learn what they will be served until after they arrive. Diners sit at a communal table at which meals are served family style, with one platter for every eight people. Each event lasts approximately five hours and hosts between 130 and 200 people on average."


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Restaurants Travel / Vacations Dinner Business / Invention Idea Recreation / Leisure / Hobbies / Fun Events / Event Planning


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Boarding schools could affect child development

By Hicbd

"Attachment – the crucial establishment of trust and security through a primary carer – is the basis of modern child development psychology. Boarding schools could not have broken or redirected healthy attachment more effectively, as Schaverien illustrates. From the moment the parent drove away, a child had to adjust to the fact that not only was privacy and safety no longer guaranteed – let alone the consolation of a hug – but that their parents had chosen this future."


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Child Development / Care Psychology Research Boarding Schools United Kingdom (UK) / Great Britain / England


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Wines could be blended blind from different barrels / vineyards

By Hicbd

"Blending so many different barrel samples, and doing it blind, is virtually unheard-of in wine production, and it appears to cast doubt on the vineyard’s sanctified place in winemaking...Her process violates one of the central tenets of her craft: terroir. A French word that can be translated loosely as “sense of place,” terroir refers to every factor affecting a vineyard: soil composition, climate, elevation, drainage, even the surrounding flora and fauna."


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Wine Business / Invention Idea


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The U.S. military industrial complex could be too powerful / create wars

By Hicbd

"The military-industrial complex (MIC) that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans about more than 60 years ago is still alive and well. In fact, it’s consuming many more tax dollars and feeding far larger weapons producers than when Ike raised the alarm about the “unwarranted influence” it wielded in his 1961 farewell address to the nation."


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U.S. Foreign Policy / International Relations Wars / Conflict / Military Strategy Public Administration / Government / Political Science Research Investigative Reporting U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Government Corruption / Oversight / Ethics / Institutional Capture U.S. National Security / Intelligence U.S. Military Industrial Complex


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Oysters could be avoided in months with the letter "r"

By Hicbd

"Foodie tradition dictates only eating wild oysters in months with the letter “r” – from September to April – to avoid watery shellfish, or worse, a nasty bout of food poisoning. Now, a new study suggests people have been following this practice for at least 4,000 years."


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Personal Health Eating Oysters


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Paintballs / spray paint / non-fatal weapons could be used instead of bullets

By Hicbd

"Japanese police shoot paintballs at fleeing vehicles so other police can see the vehicle and identify it later if it gets away. The paint is bright orange and difficult to remove."


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Crime / Theft Guns Policing / Law Enforcement U.S. Policing / Law Enforcement Public Safety Robberies / Muggings


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The web could be semantic

By Hicbd

"The Semantic Web, sometimes known as Web 3.0 (not to be confused with Web3), is an extension of the World Wide Web through standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The goal of the Semantic Web is to make Internet data machine-readable."


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Internet / Websites Data


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