By Hicbd
"'What concerns me,” said Dr. Moon, 'is that a lot of parents think there is a proactive agency that checks all of these products before they go on the market, like an ‘FDA’ for (SIDS) products. But there isn’t.'...Products such as Dockatot and SnuggleMe do not fall into the above categories—and they do not currently have their own federal safety standards."
Please login to commentBaby changing mats could be waterproof, down-sloping, soft foam
By Hicbd
"Many parents rave about the Keekaroo's ergonomic design, which is comfortable for little ones, and its special polyurethane foam that's resistant to damage like cracks, discoloration, or stains over time. It has a soft but solid surface that makes it virtually impermeable to liquids and mess during diaper changes."
Please login to commentBaby changing areas could have barriers / be on the floor
By Hicbd
"Some of the most common places we change our babies are changing tables, sofas and beds. They seem so immobile in those early days that there doesn’t seem to be any risk involved. Unfortunately, the day a baby learns to roll is very like the day before they learn to roll…we never know exactly when it’s going to happen and baby really doesn’t warn us! That might be why for children less than 1 year of age, falls account for over 50% of admissions to emergency departments. Falls from changing tables, beds and sofas are among the most common furniture from which they fall."
Please login to commentSecurity clearances could be a faster process but harder to get
By Hicbd
"Most parties identify over-classification of documents and overzealousness to give out security clearances as key barriers to a properly functioning security clearance process. The logic goes thus: too much classified information creates demand for too many individuals needing clearances, which puts pressure on investigators to emphasize quantity of background checks over quality. Currently, about 5.1 million individuals hold security clearances, about 40 percent of whom do not ever access classified information."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"Melissa Macavage's daughter Paige became ill last winter and doctors initially believed she had the flu. However, it turned out it was strep throat that went undiagnosed and untreated. Because Paige's symptoms of strep went untreated, it turned into strep arthritis or Poststreptococcal Arthritis, which causes inflammation of one or more joints."
Please login to commentEuropean baby formula could be healthier than the U.S.
By Hicbd
"And yet for all the regulations that the FDA imposes on US formula manufacturers, corn syrup is allowed as the first ingredient in many formulas. In our minds, baby formula should consist mostly of milk, and yet there are brands in the US which contain corn syrup solids as the very first ingredient....In Europe, no corn syrup is allowed. Cows and goats are fed organic, grass fed diets, and the main ingredient in formula is - drum roll - milk. There can be no detectable levels of pesticide residues in European formulas. Zero. Most US baby food wouldn’t be allowed to be sold in Europe as it either has pesticide residue, or contains other unwanted ingredients, such as corn syrup or sucrose."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"But then is red tape that sometimes doesn't allow that same people to be successful...Look, to negotiate a big contract there's a bidding process. You have to have three different companies bidding on it. That there's federal government regulations...Andrés called on the U.S. government to create a new agency under the Department of Agriculture to lead a federal response to future food and hunger emergencies."
Please login to commentH-1B visas could replacing American workers at a lower cost
By Hicbd
"The program, created more than 25 years ago, allows American companies to fill gaps in the workforce from overseas with highly skilled employees, who can't be found in the U.S. Many businesses use the program as intended, but we discovered more and more are taking advantage of loopholes in the law to fire American workers and replace them with younger, cheaper, temporary foreign workers with H-1B visas."
Please login to commentSports leagues could be good investments
By Hicbd
"The appeal of professional sports to investors stems from a variety of factors:
- Stable media rights revenue and content that reaches loyal live audiences that appeal to advertisers
- Increasing team valuations, as investor interest grows and barriers to enter professional leagues remain high
- An increasing number of bidders for sports media rights"
Please login to commentEquity plans could compensate workers for increases in equity value
By Hicbd
"And while W2 comp for players is great, they still pay 40-50% tax on it. The big win for NBA players would be the creation of a phantom equity plan that allows the players to earn long term capital gains, during their playing time, on the increase in equity value of the franchises...You need a super sophisticated union to make this argument but I think the players deserve it."
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