Muslim access to holy sites in Israel could be ensured / publicized
By Hicbd
"Only Muslims are allowed to pray on the sacred grounds known to them as Al Haram Al Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) and to Jews as Temple Mount under a status quo arrangement originally reached more than a century ago. Non-Muslim visitors are allowed visits at certain times and only to certain areas of the complex. But many in the Muslim world fear the right to be the sole worshipers at the holy site is slowly being eroded by a growing far-right Jewish movement."
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"Investors can expect equity-like returns from the corporate bond market for much less risk than stocks for the foreseeable future as interest rates in the U.S. stay elevated, said veteran investor Howard Marks, co-founder and co-chair of Oaktree Capital Management...In fact, today you can get equity-type returns from credit, while the S&P averaged 10% a year for the last 100 years. You can get high single digits or low double digits from a diversified, well-selected credit portfolio, and that’s the big change."
Please login to commentWine could be drank from a communal vessel
By Hicbd
"A porrón (Catalan: porró) is a traditional glass wine pitcher, which holds 0.75 litres typical of Spain, originating in Catalonia, in northeastern Spain, and eventually spreading to other parts of Spain. This invention allows everyone to drink from the same utensil without touching it with their lips. It fosters communal drinking accompanying food, though it does require some skill to ensure the wine enters one's mouth and to keep it from spilling onto clothing. Some might say it resembles a cross between a wine bottle and a watering can."
Please login to commentBaby loungers could be unsafe without supervision
By Hicbd
"Alisa Baer, MD, a pediatrician and member of the Verywell Family Medical Review Board recommends using baby loungers only when your infant is fully supervised and awake. She also cautions that these products should be used on the floor only—never in or on any other surfaces (including beds, couches, cribs, or coffee tables)."
Please login to commentMisogi could be practiced yearly
By Hicbd
"Misogi is a purifying ritual the Japanese invented. It generally involves making the pilgrimage to an icy waterfall. Standing underneath the cold water symbolises intense purification. While the Western way of looking at Misogi is best described by Jesse Itzler: 'The notion around the misogi is, you do something so hard 1 time a year, that has an impact on the other 364 days of the year.'”
Please login to comment"Compliment, congratulate, console" could deepen relationships
By Hicbd
"We should always look for ways to further enhance our relationship skills because we will become much better people for it. Speaker and author Jesse Itzler said that it is important we practice the 3C’s when interacting with others: compliment, congratulate and console."
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"Mahmee provides expectant mothers with an experience differentiated from any other maternity app by offering live support 7 days a week and unlimited expert-led support groups and classes. Through a dedicated team of seasoned nurses and care coordinators, we proactively screen for health concerns, make referrals to culturally competent professionals, and assist with navigating social services. The Mahmee Network features more than 750 practices and community-based organizations across the country, putting thousands of doulas, lactation consultants, midwives, therapists, and nutritionists at your fingertips."
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"At the extreme end are the Venezuelan pranes, or kingpins. They control 46% of the prison population, while state authorities govern 11% (the rest is under mixed control), according to the Venezuelan Prison Observatory, an ngo...In Ecuador, where the government says that over a third of inmates belong to a criminal organisation, there is one prison guard for every 62 inmates (in the United States, that ratio ranges from 1:4 to 1:14). Outnumbered and underpaid, they sometimes join the gangs they are supposed to control."
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"Laboring mothers have been wearing the same cumbersome, polyester fetal-monitoring belt for decades. Not only can these belts slip out of place, requiring constant adjustment, they — along with the array of other wires taped to the mother for monitoring — tether the mother to the bed, limiting her ability to walk around or move freely in ways that are more comfortable...So far, study results indicate that the wireless sensors outperform current technology in precision and accuracy."
Please login to commentGiggle / baby steps could make habits stick
By Hicbd
"'After I finish brushing my teeth, I will floss ONE tooth.' OK, did that make you giggle? Every time I tell this story, the audience giggles. Pretty funny isn’t it? Like, who only flosses one tooth?! But you know what? Starting with a Giggle Step like that is key to stopping a Bad Habit—and replacing it with a Good Habit—one that is a permanent, automatic, “takes-no-thought,” habit. When it’s like that, it truly is Easy Effortless Fun. Most importantly, it becomes a habit you can keep up even when all hell breaks loose in your life."
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