Donor milk instead of baby formula could be safer for preterm / full-term babies
By Hicbd
"Special care nursery infants fed preterm formula regained birth weight sooner and had higher rates of consistent weight gain than infants given term formula or donor breast milk. However, preterm or low-birth-weight infants fed formula rather than donor milk had significantly increased incidences of NEC."
Please login to commentWearable technology / metrics could improve skiing / sport ability
By Hicbd
"Carv is the first wearable technology dedicated to skiing that speaks to you as you ski - it’s your digital ski coach. Inspired by Olympic technology, Carv gives you access to the feedback and knowledge that only elite skiers have had access to so far. With an extremely thin smart insert, Carv measures your motion and pressure distribution and relays feedback through your earphones in real-time. Carv connects wirelessly to your smartphone to give simple, actionable feedback to casual skiers and detailed metrics and analysis for advanced and professional skiers."
Please login to commentTraffic could be improved in Lagos, Nigeria / Bogotá, Colombia, etc.
By Hicbd
"2. Inadequate Road Infrastructure: The road infrastructure in Lagos is insufficient to cater to the needs of its expanding population. The limited number of roadways and inadequate maintenance contribute to bottlenecks and traffic congestion.
3. Poor Traffic Management: Inadequate traffic management strategies, including ineffective traffic signal synchronization, lack of proper road signage, and inadequate law enforcement, further exacerbate traffic congestion in Lagos.
4. Lack of Mass Transit Systems: Lagos lacks a robust and efficient mass transit system. The majority of commuters rely on private vehicles or informal public transportation, such as mini busses (danfos), which contribute to traffic congestion."
Please login to commentLift-the-flap children's books could help with bilingual language learning
By Hicbd
"One day, I tried to teach my son using flashcards. He had more fun throwing the flashcards everywhere than learning the words themselves. I then came up with the idea of incorporating the flashcards as lift-the-flap features in a storybook. We both love books, so why not use it to teach language? I created a prototype, and to my surprise, he learned the words and loved the flaps."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"Though breast feeding is natural, during the first 2-3 days, when enough breast milk is not available with mother, she may introduce bottle feeding erroneously for improving nutrition to her baby. We studied the effect of antenatal expression of breast milk at term in reducing breast feeding failure as compared to conventional method of initiation of breast feeding...Daily antenatal breast milk expression after 37 completed weeks of pregnancy significantly reduced the time for establishing full breast feeding and reduced breast feeding failures."
Please login to commentBy Hicbd
"You don't need to study whether or not people need to sit — especially people who are older, people have mobility issues, people with children, people who've walked a long the way, or who are carrying things...Nonetheless, many communities struggle to provide riders places to rest. In Los Angeles, roughly half of all stops are currently benchless, while in nearby San Francisco, nearly two-thirds are; other large agencies don't even make stop amenity data available."
Please login to commentImmunity cubes could keep sickness away
By Hicbd
"On TikTok, a quick search for "immunity cubes" generates dozens of videos with hundreds of thousands of likes. While different people make their immunity cubes different ways, they tend to have the same general ingredients and preparation: Throw orange, lemon, ginger, turmeric, raw honey, black pepper and coconut water into a blender, and freeze the liquid in ice cube trays. Then they're ready to add to hot water, tea or a smoothie."
Please login to comment"Feral nights out" / doing "vice-like" things could be good for mental health
By Hicbd
"In her new book, The Balanced Brain, which I reviewed for the last issue of Prospect, she examines the role of pleasure in mental health and finds that the picture is far more complicated than the wellness influencers would have us believe. “Things you might consider bad for your health—eating sugar, drinking beer, having a late night out—could have short, or even long-term positive effects on mental health,” she writes. 'Each of these ‘bad for you’ things represents one of the myriad ways of tapping into your brain’s various systems for supporting mental health.'"
Please login to commentAdult grandchildren could sleep over at their grandparents' houses
By Hicbd
"In a new TikTok trend, pajama-clad adults descend on their grandparents' homes unannounced, armed with sleeping bags and snacks, to spend the night. The grandparents' reactions are confusion ... and then utter delight."
Please login to commentBaby bonds could be started for low-income children
By Hicbd
"Democratic lawmakers in Washington are renewing a proposal to give every American child $1,000 at birth. The “baby bond” funds, called American Opportunity Accounts, would then be topped off with up to $2,000 per year, depending on a family’s income. The accounts would be federally insured and managed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury."
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