Nerve injuries / paralysis could be reduced during childbirth
By Hicbd
"Studies estimate around 40,000 new moms experience some form of nerve injury due to childbirth each year. A Facebook community of survivors has two and a half thousand members, and offers a supportive forum for victims who have suffered injuries ranging from temporary pain to permanent paralysis...She is also working with the Texas hospital to introduce new guidelines that instructs nurses and other medical professionals to move laboring women's bodies every 30 minutes. Now, experts say nerve damage related to lower body positioning should be granted more attention."
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"Alison also brought NINE wigs. At first, I hesitated, but she explained the genius logic: “Zach is obsessed with the idea of how wigs give you confidence. Karaoke scares a lot of people, but with a wig you become a different person and feel braver than you normally would.”...You know how a party usually takes an hour or two to warm up? For people to get settled and start mingling? For the energy to pick up? Well, this video was taken 15 MINUTES after the party started. Everyone was already unhinged."
Please login to commentAlumni life updates could be compiled in a book
By Hicbd
"If you attended Harvard College—even if only for one day—you have been asked to submit to the above exercise every five years since, for publication in a typically red-covered book in advance of each reunion. Perhaps you can’t be bothered; perhaps you are loath to broadcast details of a personal nature; but if you are like many others, you revel in this regular opportunity to share your evolution and reflections with others in your class."
Please login to commentTearjerker / melodrama movies could be made
By Hicbd
"Tear-jerkers have existed throughout Hollywood’s history — movies were making audiences cry even before they could make a sound — but as a prestige genre they hit their peak in the 1970s and 1980s, climaxing with 1983’s “Terms of Endearment,” which won an Oscar for best picture...Tear-jerkers used to provide a shared space where we had permission to feel those emotions together. Since the era of ancient Greece, dramatic tragedies have offered us a necessary means of emotional purgation, and Aristotle argued that this catharsis served to turn audience members into more attuned, grateful and ethical citizens."
Please login to commentLactose could be better than corn syrup in baby formula
By Hicbd
"Research indicates that corn-syrup-based formulas are metabolized differently by infants compared to lactose-based formulas and human milk. Small studies have shown that the former alters the infant microbiome, as well as eating habits of toddlers...For babies having certain digestive issues, Porto recommends a formula with proteins that have been broken down, or hydrolyzed, to make them easier to digest. However, there are no fully hydrolyzed formulas, and only a few partially hydrolyzed formulas, made with lactose."
Please login to commentClear-air turbulence could be detected to prevent injuries
By Hicbd
"The technology, under development at NASA's Langley Research Center and involving government, university and private sector experts, anticipates using ground-mounted infrasonic microphones that can pick up ultralow frequencies produced by turbulence — possibly as far as 300 miles away. If deployed at scale, such microphones could provide an early warning for what’s known as “clear-air turbulence,” the top cause of inflight injuries and fatalities."
Please login to comment"Fair Play" cards could be used to help divvy up domestic responsibilities
By Hicbd
"The Fair Play book delivers a time and anxiety saving system that offers couples a completely new way to divvy up their domestic responsibilities. It started with the “Sh*t I Do” spreadsheet – a list of all the invisible tasks it takes to run a home, but developed into a gamified system with four easy-to-follow rules, 100 household tasks, and a figurative card game you play with your partner."
Please login to commentU.S. state government could create more affordable housing
By Hicbd
"One big reason for the chronic housing shortage in America’s most prosperous regions is that state governments have ceded control to local governments that behave like private clubs...Every year for the last half-dozen years, the California Legislature has passed a set of bills that shift the balance of power toward building. Among the latest batch, signed into law over the last few weeks by Gov. Gavin Newsom, are bills easing the conversion of commercial buildings into homes and banning parking requirements for housing and retail developments near public transit."
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"Board decks are a scattered mess, take endless hours to prepare, and are generally terrible to read.
It’s often difficult for the Board to get a holistic picture of your company's progress, its critical challenges and pressing strategic questions. And this is after your team spent way too many hours creating way too many materials...While other functional areas of the business have seen tremendous innovation and new technology, the board meeting process is still performed in presentation software that was never designed to run effective meetings."
Please login to commentParties could involve PowerPoint
By Hicbd
"But even as we've gotten back to normal hangouts, people are still connecting their laptops to TVs and sharing slides in social settings. Take a spin around TikTok, and you can find loads of PowerPoint-party content. There are presentations on which Beyoncé songs best represent each friend, what to do if you're trapped in an elevator, or whether pigeons are a pest or a pet."
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