Thousands of pumpkins could create art
By Hicbd
"The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze is a walk-through experience of thousands of hand-carved pumpkins in elaborate displays that light up the night at two historic locations in New York. At Van Cortlandt Manor in Croton-on-Hudson and Old Bethpage Village Restoration in Old Bethpage, larger-than-life installations, along with synchronized lighting, create a magical, family-friendly experience for all ages."
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"Starting at $30 per car, Southern California residents can dare to enter the Haunted Carwash—a nightmarish journey that turns an ordinary car wash into a realm of terror. As you slowly drive through, sinister performers will leap from the shadows, and spine-tingling special effects will envelop you in an atmosphere of sheer horror."
Please login to commentRoot canals / mouthwash / fluoride / certain toothpastes / metal tooth fillings could be harmful
By Hicbd
"In the film, root canal therapies are claimed to be associated with cancer, and it is suggested that pulling an infected tooth is a better approach. The film's trailer implies that root canals or infected teeth can lead to migraines, diabetes, lupus, fibromyalgia and heart disease. The film makes specific false claims of "97% of patients with breast cancer had a root canal on the same side as the cancer," and "the #1 cause of heart attack is root canal treated teeth," and that root canals result in inflammation leading to systemic disease."
Please login to commentClassic plays could be performed drunk
By Hicbd
"Drunk Shakespeare is an off-Broadway play created by Scott Griffin and David Hudson[1] currently performing in New York City, Chicago, Washington D.C., Phoenix, and Houston...The show has five actors. One has between four and six shots of alcohol in front of the audience. The cast then attempts to perform a Shakespearean play. The drunk actor can do anything they want and the four sober actors must follow their requests."
Please login to commentA database of researchers' conflicts of interest could exist
By Hicbd
"Federally funded health researchers reported more than 8,000 “significant” financial conflicts of interest worth at least $188 million since 2012, according to filings in a government database obtained by ProPublica. The database of disclosures reported to the National Institutes of Health, which has not been made public before, details the financial relationships of researchers at universities, hospitals and nonprofit organizations. These outside interests range from stock holdings in companies that may benefit from the outcome of research to payments for royalties, consulting work and speaking engagements."
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"But one thing that gets debated far too little, yet remains as critical as anything to the success of a Martini, is the phantom ingredient: temperature...Hawksmoor has sold 17,000 Martinis already this year. When the batches hit that sweet spot of -12 degrees Celsius—a temperature right before ice crystals form, according to Hubbard—the liquid is transferred to small thermoses, stored in freezers behind the bar."
Please login to commentWomen could support young women in schools and earn vocational certificates / loans
By Hicbd
"Their flagship ‘Learner Guide’ program empowers young women who have completed secondary education to return to their local schools to support vulnerable children in their studies. Learner Guides deliver a life skills program and offer psychosocial support in partnership with parents, schools and local officials to help bridge the gap between home and school. Learner Guides in turn acquire a vocational qualification that sets them on the path to formal teacher training."
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"Sawanobori, or stream climbing (sawa = stream; nobori = climb), is a type of mountaineering in Japan that involves going up mountain streams to their source...The sport consists of ascending a tributary of a river along with its features, including climbing waterfalls, traversing ravine walls, and swimming through gorges. Shower climbing of waterfalls in the summer is a highlight. The difficulty of the climb can be judged by the level involved in rock climbing, with the use of ropes and protection, the amount of swimming involved, and the strength of the current. Many climbers pursue the target tributary until they reach its source, or the ideal finish is considered as such. As a rule, the climber moves in the direction opposite the direction of the waterflow."
Please login to commentPlacentas could be used for burns, wounds, menopause, postpartum health, etc.
By Hicbd
"Research has found placenta-derived grafts can reduce pain and inflammation, heal burns, prevent the formation of scar tissue and adhesions around surgical sites and even restore vision. They’re also gaining popularity as a treatment for the widespread issue of chronic wounds. And yet, of the roughly 3.5 million placentas delivered in the United States each year, most still wind up in biohazard disposal bags or hospital incinerators."
Please login to commentPrisoners could become lawyers / be able to get legal education
By Hicbd
"Justice Defenders (formerly African Prisons Project, or APP) is a registered UK charity and U.S. nonprofit working in prison communities across Africa. Through legal education," training, and practice, Justice Defenders equips prisoners and prison officers to facilitate legal processes. It establishes law practices within prisons, provides free services, and runs legal awareness clinics for prisoners. And in partnership with academic institutions, it tutors and facilitates law degrees for prisoners and prison officers."
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