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Postpartum hemorrhage (PPM) could be prevented by obstetric measuring drapes / trays, IV iron infusions, and E-MOTIVE guidelines

By Hicbd
Tue Sep 12 2023 11:21 am

"There is a simple, low-cost way to identify when blood loss is dangerously excessive: a drape that looks like a V-shaped plastic bag. When this calibrated obstetric drape is hung at the edge of the bed, collected blood rises like mercury in a thermometer....When PPH is identified, doctors, nurses, and midwives have long relied on a series of five treatments to stop the bleeding: uterine massage, oxytocic drugs, tranexamic acid, IV fluids, and genital-tract examination."


URL Credit

Anemia Maternal Health / Motherhood / Postpartum Care Childbirth / Pregnancy Labor / Caesareans / C-Sections Medical Devices / Supplies / Biomedical Engineering Global Health Gynecology / OB-GYNs / Midwives / Doulas Developing Countries


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