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Newborns and mothers could have uninterrupted skin-to-skin for at least 1-3 "golden hours" after birth / stay together as much as possible

By Hicbd
Tue Jul 25 2023 11:54 am

"Based on decades of evidence, the World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund recommended that all healthy mothers and babies, regardless of feeding preference and method of birth, have uninterrupted skin-to-skin care beginning immediately after birth for at least an hour, and until after the first feeding, for breastfeeding women. Skin-to-skin care means placing dried, unclothed newborns on their mother’s bare chest, with warmed light blankets or towels covering the newborn’s back. All routine procedures such as maternal and newborn assessments can take place during skin-to-skin care or can be delayed until after the sensitive period immediately after birth."


URL Credit

Postpartum Care / Depression Breastfeeding / Breast Milk / Baby Formula Maternal Health / Motherhood / Postpartum Care Childbirth / Pregnancy Labor / Caesareans / C-Sections World Health Organization (WHO) Global Health Gynecology / OB-GYNs / Midwives / Doulas Kenya


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