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Family courts / divorce courts could be corrupt

By Hicbd
Mon Jun 12 2023 9:29 am

"There have been a few cases in which judges were paid off, but most corruption involves the cottage industry of lawyers and mental health professionals that promote biased approaches designed to help wealthy abusers. In many cases attorneys for abusers, sometimes with the help of biased GALs manipulate the court to appoint biased and unscrupulous evaluators who often promote unscientific alienation theories. In some cases, the appearance of corruption is supported by judges trusting and failing to scrutinize professionals they have known for years and are considered friends or colleagues."


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Divorce U.S. Laws Local / County Government Child Welfare / Protection U.S. State Government Domestic Violence / Abuse / Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Corruption / Fraud Investigative Reporting Judges Lawyers Family Courts / Laws


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