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Antipsychotics / antidepressants / ADHD drugs could be linked with violence / murder

By Hicbd
Thu May 26 2022 9:42 am

"First, a growing body of research has already shown that certain psychiatric drugs can make people psychotic, aggressive, suicidal and even homicidal. These are proven drug reactions, not symptoms of a mental illness. Unlike symptoms of a disorder, these reactions often disappear when the drug is withdrawn, or the dose lowered, and reappear when the drug is resumed...Secondly, a great many school or mass shooters were taking or withdrawing from psychiatric medications at the time of their assaults."


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U.S. Mental Health Services Mental Health Services / Illnesses Medical / Health Research Homicides / Manslaughter / Murder Psychiatric Medications / Drugs Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Men / Boy Issues Violence Mass Shootings / Gun Attacks


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