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Parents could be able to get residential treatment for mentally troubled / violent children before crimes are committed

By Hicbd
Wed May 25 2022 11:33 am

"Although his doctors and therapists said he needed residential treatment, which would be at least $100,000, both the family's private health insurance, and Daniel's secondary Medicaid coverage, denied coverage. So the Hoys applied for a state grant meant for children with severe emotional disorders. They also asked for help from Daniel's school district, which is supposed to cover a portion of the costs when students need long-term, off-site care. They were denied both."


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U.S. Mental Health Services At-Risk / Disconnected Youth Parenting U.S. Healthcare U.S. Prisons U.S. Medicaid U.S. Juvenile Justice System Public Safety U.S. Health Insurance Involuntary Commitment Violence Mass Shootings / Gun Attacks


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