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Bridges / roofs could be made from tree roots

By Hicbd
Tue Feb 8 2022 8:30 am

"After a wait of 10 to 15 years, the trees are old enough to put out aerial roots, which the bridge builders then coax across the river with the help of bamboo scaffolding. This scaffolding doubles as a temporary way for pedestrians to cross the river while the bridge is under construction. Over the years, the aerial roots are pulled and woven to meet the tree on the other side of the river. The roots are tied with one another and eventually they merge by a process of fusion known as anastomosis. Once the tree has reached a certain level of maturity, it adds more roots to the network, which the local people weave into the bridge."


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Architecture / Home and Building Design Bridges Roofs Trees Construction / Carpentry / Building


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