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Automatic Money Earning Network

By Barry
Sat Jan 18 2020 5:56 pm

Presently, the two main options for creating income are working or investing. I recently switched from a disability pension to an aged pension. Being unproductive and basically living off others taxes is not good for my self esteem but I have realised that by making a printer automatic, I can provide and sell something (like stickers or whatever) and become productive and useful again and have the machine do most of the work.

Of course, I am not limited to one machine and the machine doesn’t have to be a printer. It could be a machine that makes paperclips or shoelaces. The idea is only limited by my imagination but the point is, it can work 24/7 and because I don’t need to pay a machine operator, my only running expenses will be basic stock, ink and electricity keeping my prices low.

If I can do this then virtually anyone can. Using a personally owned automatic machine to create income, I can consider getting solar power and help reduce global warming. This idea will also give everyone regardless of gender or race equal pay opportunities. Imagine the advances in science and medicine if this idea was used to fund research.

I believe that this idea, once realised, will change the world. It has the potential to end poverty and vulnerability for millions now and into the future.

Scratching along on a pension and being an electrical novice, it is taking me time to automate a printer which changes its ink and loads its own stock as necessary so I would naturally appreciate help but even without it, I am determined to produce a working model one day soon.

This is the future. It should be the present.


Brainstorming Personal Income / Finance / Money


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Hicbd Thanks Barry!


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