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How Therapy / Counseling / Healing could be different

Therapists could be more regulated / accountable

Therapy could be through walking

Traumatized animals could be healed / heal humans

Cows could be hugged

Childhood photos could inspire / comfort

Radical acceptance could be useful in therapy

Dogs / pets could be prescribed for depression

"Feral nights out" / doing "vice-like" things could be good for mental health

Life could be non-linear / contain lifequakes

People could have "panic years"

Wild horses could rehabilitate people / raise money

15 minutes of sadness could be good during the day

Relationships could have positive / negative attachment styles

People could be in lives for a reason, season, or lifetime

Screaming could release tension / stress

Creativity / life could have a "sacred pause"

Actionable tools could be used in therapy

Core values could be defined

Life stories could be theater, movies/TV shows, books, or podcasts

Nature (plants / fungi) could be decriminalized

Postcards could reveal secrets

Humans could have seasons

Therapy cards could help those going through grief

Life could be bittersweet

People could be like lobsters

Life could be about change

Animal tracking could lead to personal transformation

Analysis could lead to paralysis

A Grand Canyon visualization trick could help with worries

People could have more fun / play

Finding life meaning / purpose and choosing reactions to life events could be positive

Front-stage and back-stage selves could match

Two arrows could exist in life

Group psychotherapy / activities could be good for people

Life meaning could be coherence, purpose, and significance

Mirror exposure therapy could help with body and soul shame

Life could be like a boxing match

Positive thinking could be negative

Jealousy / longing could lead to personal transformation / self improvement

Life could be seen as a map rather than a ladder

Subconscious thoughts/emotions could be sorted out

Hypnosis could be used for variety of things

Books and movies could be therapy

Social prescribing / helping others could be used for depression and mental health

Fake gurus and teachings could be beneficial

Life satisfaction / happiness could be affected by the u-curve

People could live wholeheartedly

Fear setting could be used

A self-care emergency kit could be developed

Philosophies / teachings of Tony Robbins could change lives

Shaking/dancing could be good for health

Meditation / daily routines could include smiling throughout the body

Self-love could be important

Horses could be therapy / meditation

Therapy sessions could be reality TV or podcasts

Beauty could be hunted

Storytelling circles could be found online

Poetic consultations could be given

Domestic abusers could access therapy / a help hotline

Death could be reflected upon and/or embraced

A healthy relationship could be developed with regret

A hotline could offer poems of hope and healing

Prisoners could receive trauma-informed therapy

Intentional or unintentional / contagious laughter could bring health and happiness benefits

Holotropic or rebirthing breathwork could lead to different states of conciousness

Everything could be "figureoutable"

Exercise classes could be an emotional release

Life could be designed

The ego could die

Racial/discrimination and adverse childhood experiences (ace) trauma could be considered in education, social services, therapy, and workplaces

The body could keep the score / feel emotions

Drumming could heal

Self-improvement / human potential / self-help groups could be cults and harmful

Personal narrative / storytelling could be therapy

Pedophiles could get therapy and psychiatric / hormonal drugs

An app could guide psychedelic trips

Men, women, and transgender could have support groups

Friends and business partners could go to couples therapy

Greek tragedies could help people heal

Happiness could be discovered through math equations

Therapy/counseling could have negative effects

Small delights could be delighted in

Ambiguous grief could be recognized in life

The "Four Tendencies" could reveal personality dispositions

Human relationships could be like porcupines

Outer order could lead to inner calm and possibility

Tarot cards could be used in psychotherapy

Positive affirmations could lead to positive life outcomes

Mindset could affect mood

Creativity could help with mental health

Adults could go to summer camps or wellness retreats

Suicide prevention and counseling could be by text message

Peers could offer low-cost / free counseling

Massage could be through rolfing

A "Friendship Bench" could be a tool for positive mental health

Wilderness treks could help with personal growth and mental health

Auras could be read

Mental illness and depression could be a result of societal structures

Psychiatric labeling could be harmful

Psychedelic drugs / plant-based medicine could help with mental health issues, PTSD, peacebuilding, and addiction more effectively than current psychiatric drugs

Mindfulness could be taught and used more widely

Meditation could be taught and used more widely

An anger room could help people relieve stress

Improv courses could help with anxiety, confidence, conflict resolution, leadership, and innovation