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How U.S. Department of Education could be different

Teacher surveys could evaluate principals / principal surveys could evaluate administrators

Teachers, principles, administrators could have carefully designed merit-based pay

School plays could change kids' lives

U.S. state universities could spend less / have less tuition increases / provide transparent financial data

Schools could have adequate numbers of psychologists / mental health services

A knowledge versus skills teaching approach could be more effective

U.S. rural schools could have better funding / improve

Financial aid offers could be clearer / easier to understand

Phonics could be used to teach reading

Education could be on television

Alternative schools could be effective, accountable, and engaging

A class exercise could teach about racism and discrimination

Future planning / goal setting could be used in schools

The Holocaust and other genocides could be taught in schools

Financial student aid could increase higher education tuition

U.S. teachers could have less meetings and paperwork

Charter schools could be more regulated and accountable

Elements of KIPP charter schools could improve educational outcomes

Buses could be retrofitted or become zero-emission, electric vehicles

Schools could have more social workers

Public schools could have less money if students go elsewhere

School culture could be part of education evaluations

The FAFSA process could be easier to make financial aid more accessible

Learning disabilities could be better identified / addressed in schools

School finances could be more efficient

U.S. teachers could be paid more

Non-selective colleges, certificate, and training programs could be ranked and/or show student outcomes

Student surveys could evaluate teachers / schools