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How Global Clean Water Access could be different

Rural water systems could be monitored with sensors

Chlorine could be created / dispensed in developing countries

Entrepreneurs could treat, package, and distribute water in reusable bottles to communities

Governments could invest in large scale toilet construction, maintenance, waste disposal, user feedback/design, sewer systems, and behavioral change/public campaigns

A bicycle could turn into a washing machine

Bottles could self-clean and purify water

WASH / environment international development programs could be integrated

People could be inspired to reuse water bottles

Small loans could enable clean water access

Fashion could be environmentally sustainable, fair trade, and long lasting

Ozone, UV light, and carbon could treat water instead of chlorine

Water could be sourced from the atmosphere

A water wheel could make it easier for clean water access

Hydropanels could collect drinking water from the air

Bottled water could be regulated in coming from spring fed or local groundwater sources

U.S. citizens could have clean, running water and plumbing

Citizens could check their environment / drinking water

Breweries could provide water in beer cans during emergencies

Sewage could be converted into potable water and electricity

Water could be available in an edible blob

Billboards could generate drinking water from humidity

Clean water initiatives could be financed through carbon credits

Rainwater harvesting could have multiple benefits