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How Wildfires could be different

Forest restoration projects could be careful to not plant monoculture / flammable trees

Different emergency sirens could mean different threats / people could understand them

Terraces could be good for climate adaptation / droughts / preventing fires / landslides

Homemade, affordable air purifiers could be created

The U.S. power / electric grid could be updated, safer, have backup capability, and/or be nationalized

Satellites, drones, and artificial intelligence could battle wildfires

Cloud seeding could cause rain to reduce temperatures and cause rain

Power lines could be underground / more durable

Oxygen starvation bombs/balls could extinguish fires

BBQ / good food could be served after natural disasters / for refugees and war victims

RVs could be provided after natural disasters

Cigarettes could self-extinguish

The air could be spared

Effective forest management could prevent wildfires

Volunteer prison firefighters could become firefighters after release

Drones could be used to fight fires

Defensive burning could prevent wildfires

Defensible space around homes could prevent wildfires

Goats, cows, and sheep could be lawnmowers