Teacher surveys could evaluate principals / principal surveys could evaluate administrators
Smartphones / tablets could not be allowed in schools
Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry
U.S. students could not be arrested for minor offenses / have unnecessarily negative experiences with school police
Active shooter drills could be evidence-based and not cause contagion / trauma / prepare future attackers
Rowing could ease divisions among gangs and be offered by schools
School lunches could be designed by age group / have takeaway options
School lunches could have less food waste / share excess food
School lunches could use reusable utensils
Teachers could help diagnose vision problems / deliver eyecare
Charter schools could be more regulated and accountable
Elements of KIPP charter schools could improve educational outcomes
Dyslexia could be screened for in kindergarten and prisons
Schools could use different student safety procedures
Schools could have more social workers
Public schools could have less money if students go elsewhere
Learning disabilities could be better identified / addressed in schools
Schools could have smaller class sizes / more teachers
Schools could have air conditioners
Schools could encourage parental engagement
Teachers could visit parents at home
Schools could not cut funding for art, music, or drama programs
Schools could start / end later
U.S. teachers could be paid more
Students could be able to see at school
Relationship building and data analysis could increase graduation rates
Job readiness skills / career development could be taught in schools
Financial literacy could be taught in high schools
Networks of schools implementing proven programs could lead to school reform
Children could not be shamed / put into debt if they cannot pay for school lunch
National educational, scientific, and historical standards could be set for school textbooks