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How U.S. Education could be different

Teachers, principles, administrators could have carefully designed merit-based pay

Standardized tests could be less about speed / more about deep thinking

U.S. state universities could spend less / have less tuition increases / provide transparent financial data

School systems could spend less on consultants / tech / data collection / new curriculums

Early college / dual enrollment programs could increase college enrollment rates

Teachers' unions could help or hinder schools

Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry

Schools could have adequate numbers of psychologists / mental health services

A knowledge versus skills teaching approach could be more effective

Schools could be more socio-economically integrated

U.S. rural schools could have better funding / improve

PTA fundraising could contribute to U.S. school inequality

Phonics could be used to teach reading

Teachers / group sessions / health centers / awareness could help provide mental health services in schools

Public sector unions could prevent government reform / lead to adverse decisions

Unconscious bias training could be used in workplaces

Critical theories and activist scholarship could be examined / taught / published accurately with room for debate

Under-resourced students could explore creative writing

Conversations and friendships among diverse people could prevent discrimination, racism, and hate crimes

U.S. teachers could have less meetings and paperwork

Charter schools could be more regulated and accountable

Elements of KIPP charter schools could improve educational outcomes

Dyslexia could be screened for in kindergarten and prisons

Summer school could be fun, engaging, and improve academic outcomes

Children could be prepared for kindergarten through an online learning program

"Summer slide" could be addressed for better educational outcomes

Promise Neighborhoods could decrease poverty and improve educational outcomes

Schools could have more social workers

Public schools could have less money if students go elsewhere

Healthy school meals could be free for children

"Summer melt" could be avoided to increase college attendance rates

Healthy relationship skills / sex education could be taught in high school / college

Graduation coaches could help at-risk youth throughout their education

Schools could not cut funding for art, music, or drama programs

U.S. teachers could be paid more

Non-selective colleges, certificate, and training programs could be ranked and/or show student outcomes

Relationship building and data analysis could increase graduation rates

Teachers could receive performance-based bonuses

Job readiness skills / career development could be taught in schools

Students could take a gap year

Financial literacy could be taught in high schools

Networks of schools implementing proven programs could lead to school reform

Children could not be shamed / put into debt if they cannot pay for school lunch

Public school district funding could be less unequal

Schools could have a well-run school library

National educational, scientific, and historical standards could be set for school textbooks

Corporal punishment could be banned in schools

Career Academies could improve labor market outcomes for students

Public schools could offer apprenticeships / internships