A healthy cigarette / vape could be created
The breastfeeding "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" could be harmful to new mothers / babies
Low-cost, rapid, point-of-care, diagnostic health tests could save millions of lives
Nicotine products / gum / lozenges could be better / help people quit
People could be notified (apps / text messages) about listeria outbreaks / foodborne diseases / infectious diseases
The Trinseo chemical plant / other chemical plants could not release dangerous chemicals
Crop residue burning could be turned into fuel or livestock feed / bedding
Homemade, affordable air purifiers could be created
Solving indoor air pollution could prevent around 4 million deaths a year
The VAERS / FAERS systems could accurately capture vaccine / drug safety and restore public trust
Mental health services could be more available to those experiencing violence / trauma
Family caregivers could be trained in medical skills to improve patient outcomes at home
Instructional videos could improve global health
Entrepreneurs could treat, package, and distribute water in reusable bottles to communities
Mexican pharmacies could not sell counterfeit drugs with fentanyl
Bauxite (aluminum) mining could lead to environmental / agricultural / health problems
GMO crops could be harming small-scale farmers through unaffordable / not climate adaptable seeds and pesticide use
Weapons could not use depleted uranium
The Japanese government could be open / effective in dealing with the Fukushima nuclear disaster
Toxic waste could be recycled rather than shipped to developing countries
Countries could have universal healthcare coverage
Tobacco marketing / regulation could be less harmful in developing countries
Nuclear / radioactive waste could be used for energy or disposed safely
Contact tracing could be improved worldwide during infectious disease outbreaks
Medicine, hygiene items and sexual health products could be available in vending machines
Diagnostic testing for infectious diseases could be distributed and processed quickly and safely with clear public guidance
Mosquitoes could be wiped out through genetic engineering
Community health workers / entrepreneurs / mentors / volunteers could improve health outcomes
Sex work could be decriminalized
Zigzag brick kilns could reduce air pollution in South Asia
Airbnb / homestays could have more safety requirements
Warning signs or nets could be placed under fruit trees to prevent injuries/deaths
Cigarette packaging could be plain / have graphic images
Drugs could be decriminalized with available treatment options
Good quality cookstoves could be leased and use wood pellets
Biochar could be used as fuel in cookstoves
Food crops could be bred to have micronutrients
Government economic incentives could increase the availability of healthy food
Less salt, saturated fat, artificial additives, and sugar could be added to food
Birthing / newborn kits could be provided to mothers without hospital or health clinic access
Food, water, drinks, or condiments could be fortified with micronutrients
Breast cancer screenings could be easier to access and without pain / radiation
Absorbent underwear could help with periods and incontinence
A sugar or soda tax could reduce obesity and diabetes
Juice boxes / sports drinks with less sugar could be available
Free health clinics / counseling could be available
Trachoma could be prevented and treated in developing countries
Obstetric fistula surgeries could be funded, performed, and accessible for women
Menstrual cups could be distributed more in the developing world
Menstrual products could be affordable and accessible for low-income women
Affordable, eco-friendly menstrual pads / cups / discs could be made by and sold to women in developing countries
Puberty books or magazines for girls and boys could be developed and distributed
Asbestos could be banned for use
Lead poisoning awareness campaigns and preventative actions could happen across the world
Corrected vision could be focused on more in international development
STD testing could be at home
Children / adults in developing countries could be dewormed
Clean cookstoves could be used in developing countries
Medical costs for people in developing countries could be crowdfunded
Shoes could grow / expand
New parents could receive a baby box
Parents and parents-to-be could receive calls or text messages to promote maternal and child health