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How Quality of Life / Happiness / Success could be different

The "Let Them Theory" could bring self-help / happiness

Radical acceptance could be useful in therapy

Tylenol (acetaminophen) could ease emotional pain but dull pleasure

Friends could be won and people could be influenced

Decisions could be made based on past and future selves

Life could be bittersweet

Convenience could be inconvenient

Time management could be less about productivity

HALTing could happen before major decisions

People could have more fun / play

Finding life meaning / purpose and choosing reactions to life events could be positive

Front-stage and back-stage selves could match

Two arrows could exist in life

Life meaning could be coherence, purpose, and significance

Three rules could be used for happiness

Positive thinking could be negative

Life could be seen as a map rather than a ladder

Life satisfaction / happiness could be affected by the u-curve

People could live wholeheartedly

Fear setting could be used

People could have a "jardin secret"

Enlargement versus happiness could be a life goal

Parents/people could live fully

Meditation / daily routines could include smiling throughout the body

Stretching could maintain friendships and relationships

Close friends could influence lives

Life/sports/business could be a game of inches

Life could resemble the phases of the sky

Self-love could be important

Beauty could be hunted

Solitude / wintering could be beneficial

Effective altruism / earning to give could be a life philosophy

Seeing art at a museum, film, consumption, fashion, food, counseling, video games, reading, media consumption, science, travel, etc. could be slow

Parenting / life could be unstructured / slow

Wholeness could be strived for instead of happiness

Death could be reflected upon and/or embraced

A healthy relationship could be developed with regret

Intentional or unintentional / contagious laughter could bring health and happiness benefits

Hygge, lagom, gezellig, ubuntu, joie de vivre, friluftsliv, wu wei, wabi sabi, sisu, nunchi, ikigai, coorie, kalsarikannit, and other world philosphies could be incorporated into lifestyles and homes

Decisions could be hell yeah or no

Saying yes or no could change lives

15 minute walkable cities/towns could be created

Careers could be treated like a bad boyfriend

Enemies could be good

Everything could be "figureoutable"

GDP could be Gross National Happiness

Life could be designed

Awe walks could boost moods

Grit could be a determinant of success

Rose, thorn, bud could be a way to practice gratitude / connect

Thinking like a monk could lead to better quality of life

Breath could be Tonglen meditation

Happiness could be discovered through math equations

Human relationships could be like porcupines

The concept of ikigai could lead to a fulfilling life

Workdays and work weeks could be shorter

Community beautification could create economic development, lower crime, and raise quality of life

Wealth addiction could be a psychological affliction

The U.S. and Japan could offer more vacation for employees