Ivermectin, fenbendazole, methylene blue could be cancer treatments
Root canals / mouthwash / fluoride / certain toothpastes / metal tooth fillings could be harmful
A Breast Cancer Risk Assessment (BCRA) score could determine whether to get annual mammograms / MRI / biopsy / ultrasounds
A salt / baking soda bath could reduce radiation exposure
Full body scans could detect cancer
Artificial turfs / astroturf / fake grass could be harmful
A Council of Dads / Moms could step in after a terminal illness
The HPV vaccine risks / efficacy could be determined
Food / skincare / medicine additives / pesticides / herbicides that are banned in other countries could also be banned in the U.S.
Low-dose naltrexone could be used for MS, autoimmune, cancer, pain, etc.
Pharmaceutical companies could make safe and effective marijuana / psychedelic drugs
Marijuana could not have mold, bacteria, pesticides / better safety standards
EMF waves could be harmful
Food dyes / additives could be harmful
More research could be done on IVF and its effects on womens' bodies / IVF clinics could be regulated
Sperm could be frozen
U.S. military bases could not be toxic to service members and their families
Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water
Cord blood, tissue, and/or the placenta could be used for medical purposes rather than thrown away
Seed oils could lead to inflammation / heart disease / liver damage / health issues / obesity / deforestation / cancer
Venom could have health benefits
Dogs / animals could detect diseases
Fasting and/or ketogenic diets could fight cancer / infertility
Cancer or sick patients could have free house cleaning services
50+ types of cancer could be detected through a blood test
Banned chemicals could not be replaced with similar, harmful chemicals
Oil and gas fracking could release chemicals harmful to health
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers could have health benefits
Nuclear / radioactive waste could be used for energy or disposed safely
Kids could kick cancer
Grills could use wood pellets
Nail polish / salons could not be toxic
Consumer products could not contain PFAS (poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances)
Genetic testing could prevent cancer
Glysophate / pesticides / herbicides could have harmful effects on animal / human health
Grass lawns, golf courses, parks, playgrounds, and landscaping could be environmentally sustainable and pesticide-free
Breast cancer could be seen as an environmental public health issue
Vitamin D deficiency could be associated with allergies, autoimmune diseases, and other ailments
Cigarette packaging could be plain / have graphic images
Intermittent fasting / calorie restriction could fight against aging
Psychedelic drugs / plant-based medicine could help with mental health issues, PTSD, peacebuilding, and addiction more effectively than current psychiatric drugs
More awareness could help to increase bone marrow donations
Cleaning products, laundry detergents, deodorants/antiperspirants, toothpaste, and air fresheners could be free from harmful chemicals