Movies could be made fun of / riffed on
Films on film could be shown
Babies / young kids could go to the movies
Tearjerker / melodrama movies could be made
Legal 90s thrillers could be brought back
Crew / cast members could be given additional equity on movies
Films / books / poems depicting war reality could be used in history classes / school curriculums / for memorial days
Video games could be turned into TV shows / movies
A good movie / series to watch could be easily found
Life stories could be theater, movies/TV shows, books, or podcasts
Disney / animated films could help with autism / neurodevelopmental disabilities
Hollywood could revive "Dad Thrillers"
Movie theaters could be drop-in / cheap
Airports could have movie theaters
Movies/TV shows that were never made could be made
"Siskel and Ebert" could be brought back
Hotels / movies could be used as covers to save refugees / hostages
Books and movies could be therapy
The working class/age/gender/race/religion/lgbtq+ could be depicted accurately in media
LGBTQ+ could be represented more / realistically in media/tv/film
Movie scores could be composed by rock, pop and hip-hop artists
Films could be recut and redubbed to form new films
Films/TV could be shot on small cameras or smartphones
Hillbillies / country people could not be discriminated against
Aquamusicals could exist
Nonprofessional actors could be cast in movies
Seeing art at a museum, film, consumption, fashion, food, counseling, video games, reading, media consumption, science, travel, etc. could be slow
Film critics could become film directors
Movies and television could not be censored
A metaphor for love could be a collaborative work of art
Storytelling could use "but" or "therefore"
Subtitles could increase literacy
Movies / television could be historically accurate
Orgasm gaps could be less in relationships
The Oscars voting pool could be past Academy Award winners