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How Developing Countries could be different

IFC-backed private hospitals in developing countries could be denying life-saving care / debt collectors / organ traffickers

Trees could be planted across Africa / developing countries

The "Care Economy" could be incubated / formalized / nationalized across the world

Women could support young women in schools and earn vocational certificates / loans

Prisoners could become lawyers / be able to get legal education

Malnutrition / debilitating illnesses could be treated at homes versus health centers

Malnutrition could be checked by arm measurement by parents / community health workers

Low-cost, easy to use / maintain, irrigation pumps could be available to small-scale farmers

A digital library / wikipedia could be provided in areas with unreliable, slow internet

Preschool / parent education could improve with parent volunteers

WHO / Gavi could have quicker vaccine access in pandemics

The ambulance / hospital referral system for pregnant women / others could improve in developing countries

Electric power lines could be protected from dangerous theft

Low-cost, rapid, point-of-care, diagnostic health tests could save millions of lives

Traffic could be improved in Lagos, Nigeria / Bogotá, Colombia, etc.

Development could focus on the middle-class / higher education to build sustainable democracies

Better / drier seed storage could prevent food loss

Post-harvest losses from smallholder farmers could be reduced with moisture testing / hermetic bags / threshing services / warehouses

Silos / food storage in schools could prevent food waste / malnutrition in developing countries

Girls could have leadership / empowerment / menstruation / afterschool programs and clubs

Beneficial gut bacteria / foods / supplements could help starving / malnourished children

Technology / solar / water management / engineering skills could be taught to the least educated / illiterate / lowest caste people

Antenatal corticosteroids / probiotics could help newborn babies survive

Homes in developing countries could have healthier / durable / affordable floors

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPM) could be prevented by obstetric measuring drapes / trays, IV iron infusions, and E-MOTIVE guidelines

Focusing solely on green energy finance could be detrimental / alienating to developing countries

Farmworkers / construction / all workers could be prevented from heatstroke / kidney damage / death

Untreated strep throat / rheumatic fever could lead to heart damage / arthritis / behavioral disorders / kidney failure / sepsis

China's 5G network in developing countries could influence them / create authoritarian governments

Single-use, retractable needles / needle-free injectors could be used in hospitals / developing countries / with drug users

Community radio could transmit useful / important / peacebuilding information

Marginalized groups could access community paralegals / volunteers to protect rights

Girl afterschool programs / peer circles / mentorship / financial literacy / clubs could create positive outcomes

Helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) could be a stomach illness caught while traveling

Girls could have access to / play sports

Rumble strips could reduce road accidents

Developing countries could have lower priced drugs

Contraception characters / fun, nicely designed clinics with free manicures could improve sexual education / birth control

In-home toilets with waste collection could be available in areas without sewer systems

Vending machines / ATMs could sell processed, safe milk / foods from small farmers

Solar food drying / dehydration technology / methods could create less food waste / safe foods in developing countries

Processing equipment could be used to produce safe food in developing countries

Lung diseases could be prevented among miners / effective masks could be available

Terracotta could create energy-free air conditioning

France could give money back to Haiti

Traffic cops could be replaced with mimes / humor could reinforce rules

Women / girls could more easily obtain bank accounts / loans / savings

Abandoned bikes could go to the poor / developing countries

Bribes could not be required to access government services

Government positions could not be obtained by bribes

Taxes could be collected in developing countries

Legislatures could learn from democratic lawmakers in other countries

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Digital distributed energy could provide energy in emerging markets

Funeral services could be improved in Egypt / other places

Countries could be prevented from taking on crippling debt / having public financial mismanagement

Cookstoves could be solar / satellite dishes

Women could have access to sports bras

Trash could become cash / rewards in developing countries

Women in developing countries could not be socially isolated during menstruation / have hygiene education

Insurance programs could protect endangered animals

Quality, urban, low-income housing could be available in developing countries

Cow milk production / breeding could improve in developing countries

Highly fertile, fast growing, and disease-resistant chickens could be available in developing countries

Government operations could be paperless / automated

Customized solar power could be provided in developing countries

Developing countries could have less "brain drain" and/or create incentives for returning

Women could learn to drive / have greater mobility

Social media could have better content moderation / coding, particularly in developing countries

Social protections could be ringfenced against fiscal adjustment in developing countries

Buildings could not collapse in developing countries

Clinical knowledge, health workers' absenteeism rates, corruption/bribes/theft, power outages, and drug/medical supply availability / counterfeit medications could be improved in global health

The U.S. / other countries could have more public restrooms

Tobacco marketing / regulation could be less harmful in developing countries

Pretrial detention / waiting periods for prisoners worldwide could be shorter / done differently

Aflatoxin could be prevented in developing countries' crops

Stickers could prevent traffic accidents

Motorcycles / bicycles could deliver emergency healthcare more effectively

Progressive soap operas, reality TV shows, and other shows could be used to boost human rights / public health / child development