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How Investigative Reporting could be different

Therapists could be more regulated / accountable

Foster care could be less difficult for foster parents to prevent children from going to group homes

FDA warning letters could be more effective

Security clearances could be a faster process but harder to get

H-1B visas could replacing American workers at a lower cost

911 response times could be better

Medicine could be safer / uncontaminated through various ways

The U.S. military industrial complex could be too powerful / create wars

Inactivated vaccines could increase mortality due to reduced immune response

Family courts / divorce courts could be corrupt

The HPV vaccine risks / efficacy could be determined

#MeToo could happen in the music industry

The effect of mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, polethylene glycol, (adjuvants) etc. in vaccines could be tested for health effects / removed

Churches could disclose financial information

Lasik could have serious complications / side effects

School systems could spend less on consultants / tech / data collection / new curriculums

News media, journalism, and/or social media could be independent of government / censorship

Reporting could continue even if journalists are killed

NIH scientists / employees could not receive financial royalties / perks

U.S. guns / weapons could not illegally go into Mexico / Latin America

Diagnostic testing could be done before IUI / IVF / recurrent pregnancy loss

The public could have a right to know about defective products / environmental hazards / abusers / harassers discovered during lawsuits

Media / news / social media / journalism could not be influenced by the pharmaceutical industry

Raw data could be open / transparent / shared in pharmaceutical (or all) research studies

Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry

Weapon sales could not get into the wrong hands / be tracked / not occur

Restraining orders could be stronger / have consequences / psych evaluations

U.S. utilities could be less corrupt / better for-profit natural monopolies

Journalists could have legal defense against being sued

Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11 could be investigated / explained

U.S. military / civilian officials and agencies could be truthful about military / diplomatic / foreign aid / intelligence operations and performance

Nonprofits spending more than 30% on overhead could be inefficient

Herbicides / pesticides / lead / toxins could not be found in food

The VA could not overprescribe narcotics / opioids / psychiatric drugs to veterans

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) could apply to government agencies evenly

Theater could be investigative

Short-term program impact, long term outcome effects, and potential waste of international development programs could be evaluated / transparent

The Catholic Church could further improve its sexual abuse prevention policies

Truth could be in advertising

The U.S. debt-collection industry could be regulated more

SLAPP laws could be changed to prevent muzzling lawsuits

The troubled teen industry (youth boarding schools) could be regulated with oversight

Government privatization / contracting / consulting could create inefficient spending not in the public interest

Government employees could perform services instead of contractors / consultants to save taxpayer money

Governments could support investigative reporting and journalism

Auditors could be audited

Government performance auditing could be publicized more and tackle risky topics

Government audits of public resources could reduce corruption

Citizens could check their environment / drinking water

Smartphones could not be used to spy on political opponents/dissidents

Problem doctors could have their operating privileges suspended by medical boards and institutions/medical personnel could face negligence damages for not reporting them

Local investigative reporting and newspapers could be funded by philanthropy / become nonprofit / have a sustainable business model

Kidney disease patients could be informed about transplant options

Think tanks and investigative reporting could be strengthened in developing countries

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback