IFC-backed private hospitals in developing countries could be denying life-saving care / debt collectors / organ traffickers
A database of researchers' conflicts of interest could exist
Scientific fraud could be prosecuted
U.S. hospice care could not have fraud / mismanagement / abuse
Toddler formula could be unhealthy
Humanitarian food assistance could not be diverted / stolen
Atherectomies / artery / vascular surgery could be leading to high rates of amputations / death
Hospital Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) could be monopolies and prevent fulfillment of important medical supplies / drugs
Family courts / divorce courts could be corrupt
#MeToo could happen in the music industry
Churches could disclose financial information
News media, journalism, and/or social media could be independent of government / censorship
Affordable housing nonprofits could spend less on lobbying and salaries / more on services
NIH scientists / employees could not receive financial royalties / perks
Kleptocrats / criminals could not buy real estate / real estate transactions could be transparent
Elite police units could have less aggression / more experience / oversight
Large U.S. private companies could do financial disclosures
Sleep apnea could be solved by side sleeping
U.S. government block grants could be unaccountable / unable to meet needs
Teachers' unions could help or hinder schools
Media / news / social media / journalism could not be influenced by the pharmaceutical industry
Raw data could be open / transparent / shared in pharmaceutical (or all) research studies
Life insurers could pay out benefits for deaths without claims filed
Private equity could make veterinarian care, healthcare, assisted living, nursing homes, autism care, mobile homes, hospices, petrol stations, dentists, etc. more expensive / decrease quality
Crowdfunding / different funding sources could improve science and research
Forensic science / crime labs could be independent of the police / prosecution
Randomly selecting citizens/employees for shadow boards / oversight, staff rotations, sting surveillance, and different recruiting practices could reduce corruption
Journalists could have legal defense against being sued
Judges could be recused from cases where they have financial interests
Blockchain could create secure and transportable identification, health, land, education, financial, voting, and employment records
U.N. peacekeeping forces and the aid industry could have effective whistleblowing and employment registries for sexual assault / corruption
Medical research could be scientifically valid and free from conflicts of interest
The American Medical Association (AMA) could give guidance independent of donors
News organizations / media / companies could not take money from authoritarian regimes
Nonprofits spending more than 30% on overhead could be inefficient
The Red Cross could improve its operations, transparency, and results
Short-term program impact, long term outcome effects, and potential waste of international development programs could be evaluated / transparent
Offshore banking / dark money could be reformed to prevent corruption / crime / terrorism / human trafficking / tax evasion / wars / repressive and corrupt governments
Doctors could access accurate drug data (not from sales reps) to safely / effectively prescribe drugs
Doctors could not get paid for travel/meals, consulting, research, advising, or speaking by the pharmaceutical / medical device industry
The UN whistleblowing system could improve
Sustainable / dolphin-safe seafood labeling could be fake
The U.S. debt-collection industry could be regulated more
FIFA could be less corrupt
U.S. hospitals, universities, and other profitable organizations could have to meet requirements to be classified as nonprofits or change into for-profit
Mirror trading could lead to money laundering
Public servants (and relatives) could not serve on company boards / own companies to prevent conflicts of interest
An ombuds office or dispute-resolution system could better address harassment, complaints, and corruption
Stock buybacks could be price-sensitive or not be done to go to R&D / rainy day funds / increasing employee pay / M&A instead
The investment consulting industry could not have value
The academic / research peer review process could be improved / changed
Scientific evidence could be produced by independent scientists
Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices
Auditors could be audited
Labor unions could be organized and regulated differently to prevent corruption
Anti-money laundering laws and technology could negatively impact genocide, human trafficking, drug cartels, corruption, and other organized crime
U.S. prisoners could receive better / less negligent healthcare
Local investigative reporting and newspapers could be funded by philanthropy / become nonprofit / have a sustainable business model
The DSM could be influenced by pharmaceutical research grants
Kidney disease patients could be informed about transplant options
Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback
Cash stipends could be given directly to the poor
Think tanks could disclose scholars' ties to lobbying and/or firms
Governments, scientists, and institutions could have transparent and online data