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How Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Algorithms could be different

Faces could reveal age

Medical expertise / advice / diagnosis could be automated by AI

Fair compensation could rewarded in personal injury cases with AI

An online AI chatbot could help people facing domestic violence

Organizations could improve gender and diversity equality / advancement / inclusion with software / data analysis

Brain data could be mapped / integrated with machines

Whales / wildlife could be prevented from being struck by ships

Artificial intelligence could summarize YouTube / online videos

Animal / pets languages could be understood

AI / radar / radio waves could detect guns, knives, and explosives

Tech could warn civilians when / where bombs might fall

Dogs / animals could detect diseases

Search engines could return answers to questions

The global health supply chain could be faster, cheaper, and safer

A metaverse could be developing

Satellites, drones, and artificial intelligence could battle wildfires

Machine learning could preserve endangered languages

Artificial intelligence could decode / create animal speech

Hiring could not rely on personality tests and AI

The U.S. Federal Reserve system could be replaced with the gold standard, computer program, or be more accountable / transparent / audited

Algorithms could reduce rather than increase filter bubbles and division

Artificial intelligence glasses could help the blind see

Companies could face fines / lawsuits for supporting or not removing hate / violent content online

Artificial intelligence could make new scientific discoveries

A Federal Robotics Commission could proactively regulate artificial intelligence / deepfakes

Public policy ideas could be easier to access through artificial intelligence