IFC-backed private hospitals in developing countries could be denying life-saving care / debt collectors / organ traffickers
Electric power lines could be protected from dangerous theft
Traffic could be improved in Lagos, Nigeria / Bogotá, Colombia, etc.
Development could focus on the middle-class / higher education to build sustainable democracies
Bribes could not be required to access government services
Government positions could not be obtained by bribes
Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide
Developing countries could "leapfrog" developed countries
Blockchain could create secure and transportable identification, health, land, education, financial, voting, and employment records
Technology could formalize property rights in developing countries
Land grabbing could be harmful to small-scale farmers / communities / biodiversity but improve land productivity
Governments could invest in large scale toilet construction, maintenance, waste disposal, user feedback/design, sewer systems, and behavioral change/public campaigns
Royalties to landowners / development levies to communities could be paid by foreign direct investment projects in developing countries
Developing countries could have less financial outflows than inflows
Social protections could be ringfenced against fiscal adjustment in developing countries
Nations' debt could be restructured to protect coastal areas
Companies / people could not bribe, give donations, and/or gifts to government officials
Offshore banking / dark money could be reformed to prevent corruption / crime / terrorism / human trafficking / tax evasion / wars / repressive and corrupt governments
Buildings could not collapse in developing countries
Meritocratic recruitment/rewards/wages/benefits, smaller government, intrinsic motivation, decentralization, and performance monitoring/auditing/feedback could improve governments
International aid could prevent civil service reform
WASH / environment international development programs could be integrated
China's foreign aid could create unsustainable debt and environmental issues in developing countries
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) could crowd out the private sector, create debt, underprice risk, change incentive structures for employees, and not sufficiently track impacts on the poor / environment
Research could be communicated and organized in easy-to-read formats
Identification systems / digital IDs could be built for citizens