Ivermectin, fenbendazole, methylene blue could be cancer treatments
A database of researchers' conflicts of interest could exist
Organ transplantation treatment could improve for patients
The effect of mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, polethylene glycol, (adjuvants) etc. in vaccines could be tested for health effects / removed
Low-dose naltrexone could be used for MS, autoimmune, cancer, pain, etc.
NIH scientists / employees could not receive financial royalties / perks
Clinical trials could not end uninformatively
Anti-parasitic drugs could be useful in treating viruses
Miscarriage autopsies could determine causes / contribute to research
Stillbirths could be prevented / researched more
Crowdfunding / different funding sources could improve science and research
Vaccine manufacturers could face liability for adverse events, contribute to government compensation programs, use placebos in clinical trials, and/or have incentives for improving vaccines
The U.S. FDA's incentives for approving drugs / vaccines could change
Effective pandemic treatments could be communicated to doctors and available faster
Medical research could be scientifically valid and free from conflicts of interest
Doctors could access accurate drug data (not from sales reps) to safely / effectively prescribe drugs
Gain-of-function / biotechnology / bioweapon research laboratories with pathogenic agents could have enforced safety guidelines, be done at sea / isolated areas, or not be done
The academic / research peer review process could be improved / changed
Governments, scientists, and institutions could have transparent and online data