Families could have a mission statement
The "Care Economy" could be incubated / formalized / nationalized across the world
School plays could change kids' lives
Preschool / parent education could improve with parent volunteers
Kids could learn about / know daily routines / schedules
Toddler formula could be unhealthy
Mindfulness could be through starfish breathing
Grieving students could be given more / better support in schools
Students could teach themselves, in groups, with computers
Boarding schools could affect child development
South Korean / Chinese / Japanese school culture could be too intense
Athletes could serve as mentors / motivational speakers
Ordinary moments could become brain building activities for kids
Smartphones / tablets could not be allowed in schools
Parenting could be learned from reality TV
Boys could start school a year later
Relationships could have positive / negative attachment styles
Age verification could be required for porn websites
Food dyes / additives could be harmful
Children's online safety legislation / design codes could be passed
Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide
Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry
Kids could try out different jobs for fun
Preschool could be from home / virtual
U.S. students could not be arrested for minor offenses / have unnecessarily negative experiences with school police
Schools could have adequate numbers of psychologists / mental health services
Gun marketing / video games could be less violent
Active shooter drills could be evidence-based and not cause contagion / trauma / prepare future attackers
The U.S. minimum age to buy a gun could be 21 or higher
Baby formula / foods could not have heavy metals
Women could have easy-to-use mirrors during puberty, birth, and other times
Babies could have floor beds
Families could have ways to heal from prison incarceration
Teen athletes could be supported during puberty
"Coddling" and "safetyism" in parenting / education / universities / healthcare could have negative effects
Underprivileged kids could get swim lessons
Mental health services could be more available to those experiencing violence / trauma
A rehabilitative model / cash support / schools / places to sleep could be used to help street children
French parenting tips could be helpful
Parents/people could live fully
Teachers / group sessions / health centers / awareness could help provide mental health services in schools
Youth and adults could learn important social-emotional and life skills
U.S. social welfare policy could engage fathers more
Parenting could be calm and use jokes
Parenting / life could be unstructured / slow
Child stars could be protected by laws more
Children / girls could be taken to work
Rituals could help in times of stress and uncertainty
Parenting discipline could use creative storytelling
Early childhood toxic stress could lead to lifelong learning and behavior issues
Porn websites / companies could be ethical, regulated, or sued/shut down
New parents could get infant training / check-ins after birth
Racial/discrimination and adverse childhood experiences (ace) trauma could be considered in education, social services, therapy, and workplaces
Parents / schools could help prevent child sex abuse / grooming through education/awareness
Bike riding could help with ADHD and stress
Orthodontists could be implementing wrong treatments to align teeth
The health risks of gender reassignment could be researched, considered, and explained fully
Parenting time outs could be breaks in a calming corner
Martial arts could ease bullying and aid mental health
Lotteries could be used to fill (student) government seats
Doulas and/or midwives could result in positive pregnancy and infant outcomes
Storytime could be held virtually
Subtitles could increase literacy
Executive skills / self-regulation coaching could help people achieve goals
Extended family could be as important as the nuclear family
Parenting classes could teach about positive discipline
Babies could communicate through sign language
Countries with violence could have longer school hours, afterschool programs, and trauma-informed care
People could be trained in offering high quality childcare
Mottoes could promote positive child and personal development
Parenting could be free-range
Actors could preform children-written plays
Clowns and other play/learning could be provided to children in refugee camps
A two-generation / intergenerational care / whole family approach could be used in social services
Children could be prepared for kindergarten through an online learning program
Orphanages could become regulated, licensed schools
Schools could use different student safety procedures
"Learning landscapes" in commonly used areas / playgrounds could help boost education and literacy
Children could use smartphones and social media later in life
Playgrounds could happen in different spaces
Children could have digital mentorship
Promise Neighborhoods could decrease poverty and improve educational outcomes
Buses could be retrofitted or become zero-emission, electric vehicles
U.S. childcare could have better state oversight and quality standards
The supply and hours available of childcare could be improved
U.S. childcare could be easier to access for low-income familes
Youth could participate in service projects with stipends, education, and job training
Students could cook, serve, and clean up lunch
Farm subsidies could be used to create healthy school lunches
Schools could have smaller class sizes / more teachers
Seniors could volunteer as foster grandparents
Cognitive Behavioral therapy could reduce crime and violence as well as improve education
Wilderness treks could help with personal growth and mental health
Yoga, meditation, and/or mindfulness could be taught in physical or health education
Underprivileged kids could experience the outdoors, outdoor sports, summer camp, and/or camping
Maternity and paternity leave could be taken at different chunks of time
Juice boxes / sports drinks with less sugar could be available
Restorative discipline could be used in schools
A reading tablet or fitbit with text message reminders and tips could nudge parental engagement and education
Parenting classes could be taught in high school or be offered by nonprofits
Schools could not cut funding for art, music, or drama programs
Sports could be self-refereed
Cities and towns could have open or slow streets
Lead poisoning awareness campaigns and preventative actions could happen across the world
U.S. children could be required to be tested for lead
Low-cost, new books could be available to kids in need
Juvenile detention could be improved to rehabilitate
People could open in-home daycares
Moving to better neighborhoods could positively affect poor families
Playgrounds could be dangerous
New parents could take their baby to work
Children could be encouraged to get passports and travel
Books could be available in vending machines
All children could receive automatic library memberships
Parents could be encouraged to talk more to their newborns and infants
New parents could receive a baby box
Nesting arrangements could be used in a divorce
Parents and parents-to-be could receive calls or text messages to promote maternal and child health
Citizens could receive a basic / guaranteed income (with restrictions or on a EBT card)
Preschool / daycare could be part of the public education system
Toys could be gender neutral
New mothers could receive at least 12 paid weeks of maternity leave
Parents and infants could have more contact during the day and sleep near each other to promote good development
Parents could respond quickly and consistently to infant crying
McDonald's / fast food restaurants could give away books in happy meals
Healthy school meals could be available to schoolkids
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) could help violent and chronic juvenile offenders
Children could stay with their families rather than being placed into foster care
Schools could have coaches that organize play during recess and after school
Social support rituals could aid new mothers during the postpartum period
Orphanages could be replaced by providing more support to families, adoption services, or good quality foster care
Children Savings Accounts could be required for every newborn or kindergartner
The Nurse-Family Partnership / parent home visiting programs could be used more widely