The elderly could have inflatable airbags that detect falls
Cervical cancer could be checked without a pap smear
People could have additional time with deceased loved ones in hospitals / hospices
Low-cost, rapid, point-of-care, diagnostic health tests could save millions of lives
Electronic fetal monitoring could be more accurate / use wireless sensors / be easier for mothers to use / internal
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPM) could be prevented by obstetric measuring drapes / trays, IV iron infusions, misoprostol, balloons, and/or E-MOTIVE guidelines
Warm compresses / perineal massage / hands on / other methods could prevent vaginal tears during childbirth
Full body scans could detect cancer
Operating rooms / hospitals could have video / audio recording capability
Hospital Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) could be monopolies and prevent fulfillment of important medical supplies / drugs
Single-use, retractable needles / needle-free injectors could be used in hospitals / developing countries / with drug users
Monitoring heartbeats / blood pressure / infections / iron levels at home could prevent maternal pregnancy death
Smart toilets could test for diseases / monitor health
CPR could be used continuously for minutes or hours (particularly in hypothermia cases)
Suction vibrators could help with breastfeeding
HCG / estrogen / progesterone levels could be tracked to predict miscarriages earlier
Abbreviated MRIs could be better than mammograms / ultrasounds to detect breast cancer (particularly for younger women / dense breasts)
Dogs / animals could detect diseases
Brain activity / blood flow could be continuously monitored for strokes
Theranos (blood testing) could have worked
Cystic fibrosis patients could have a music vest
Local TV news could not promote dubious products or be biased
Doctors could not get paid for travel/meals, consulting, research, advising, or speaking by the pharmaceutical / medical device industry
Posture correctors could correct posture
Tattoos could monitor health
Medical devices could be really tested before use