Alternative investments could be risky for the mass affluent
Banks could be like utilities / nationalized
Kleptocrats / criminals could not buy real estate / real estate transactions could be transparent
Women / girls could more easily obtain bank accounts / loans / savings
Sex workers could not face financial discrimination
Banks / finance could have diversity in retention / be easier for working parents
Wealth managers could not be incentivized to cross-sell high fee financial products
Litigation / regulation could be decreasing the amount of IPOs / public wealth
Banks could be over-leveraged to hedge funds / private equity
Startups could access financing even when small
More women could be in trading versus sales
Mobile wallets could be carried across borders
Traders could be compensated differently
Cryptocurrency holders could have wealth management
Randomly selecting citizens/employees for shadow boards / oversight, staff rotations, sting surveillance, and different recruiting practices could reduce corruption
Minimum balance, banking fees, accessibility / location, lack of public education / financial literacy outreach could be deterrents to financial inclusion
Women's access to direct deposit / financial services could lead to empowerment
Offshore banking / dark money could be reformed to prevent corruption / crime / terrorism / human trafficking / tax evasion / wars / repressive and corrupt governments
The IRS could enforce tax compliance
Junior bankers could have less grueling schedules
Tech companies could replace banks
Mirror trading could lead to money laundering
Traders / banks could be prevented from manipulating energy / power markets
Shadow banking collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) / private credit could be creating a large credit bubble
Too big to fail banks could be broken up
Public ownership registries could eliminate illicit financial schemes and government corruption
Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices
Individuals who commit or allow corporate fraud could face consequences
Businesses could have more opportunities to borrow capital
Anti-money laundering laws and technology could negatively impact genocide, human trafficking, drug cartels, corruption, and other organized crime
The post office could offer financial services
Banking products could be more available, transparent, and accessible for low-income consumers
Zero interest loans could help people build credit
A group of individuals could save and borrow money together
Banking could be mobile
NRSRO designation could be removed from SEC rules
Commercial banking could be separated from investment banking
Employers could enroll workers in an opt-out direct deposit savings account
Banks could be easier to access at local shops
Banks could design and market savings accounts to low income consumers