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How Undocumented Immigrants could be different

Care kits with resources information for the homeless / humanitarian situations could be developed

Farmworkers / construction / all workers could be prevented from heatstroke / kidney damage / death

Comfort kits could help migrant / refugee children

Illegal marijuana growers / cartels could be stopped in California

Domestic workers could have better labor conditions / rights

Massage parlors could be regulated to prevent abuse

Prisons could have language translators

The meatpacking industry could have better labor rights / conditions

Undocumented immigrants, foster children, homeless, and other vulnerable people could have municipal ID cards

Guest worker programs could be reformed, expanded, and easier to access for immigrants and companies

The asylum / temporary work visa process could be easier / faster at the U.S. - Mexico border

Law-abiding, tax paying, current U.S. undocumented immigrants could have paths to visas / citizenship

Food could be labeled "Food Justice Certified" or "Fair Food"