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How U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) could be different

U.S. health insurers could not collect billions in fraud from U.S. Medicaid

Care kits with resources information for the homeless / humanitarian situations could be developed

U.S. hospice care could not have fraud / mismanagement / abuse

The breastfeeding "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" could be harmful to new mothers / babies

U.S. Medicaid could be more available to those in need / have less administrative errors

The disability cliff in adulthood could not exist / intentional communities could be created

U.S. organ transplantation supply logistics / guidelines for use / suppliers could be better

Hospital Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) could be monopolies and prevent fulfillment of important medical supplies / drugs

Cardiomyopathy / embolisms / heart issues, hemorrhage, blood clots, infections, placental abruptions, pregnacy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia), suicides could be tracked / prevented in pregnant (U.S.) women

Cities / nonprofits / apps could offer befriending services

Pregnant women could have midwives and OB-GYNs, doulas, tech supported care and monitoring, earlier appointments, and 3x the postpartum visits / care

Receiving disability benefits could not require lawyers / payments

Parents could not be billed for foster care

Foster care kids could have nightlights / care packages / suitcases

U.S. hospitals could not cut pediatric care

U.S. government block grants could be unaccountable / unable to meet needs

Private equity could make veterinarian care, healthcare, assisted living, nursing homes, autism care, mobile homes, hospices, petrol stations, dentists, etc. more expensive / decrease quality

U.S. TANF (welfare) could have less strict eligibility / diversion requirements, time limits, non-compliance sanctions to reach families in need

Medicare Advantage plans could not deny coverage to seniors

The U.S. nurse / healthcare workers / doctors - patient staffing ratio and standards of care could improve

The VAERS / FAERS systems could accurately capture vaccine / drug safety and restore public trust

U.S. primary healthcare / doctor availability / Medicaid acceptance could be improved in low income areas

Nursing homes could not use antipsychotic drugs on people with dementia

U.S. government whistleblowing could improve

Foster siblings could stay together

The CDC / HHS could produce high-quality data during infectious disease outbreaks

Children could be tested for sickle cell anemia to prevent future harm and the disease could be treated more effectively

U.S. social welfare policy could engage fathers more

U.S. nursing homes/long-term care could be less expensive, less understaffed / negligent, offer reasonable healthcare, have better training, and have accurate ratings

Foster care parent abuse could be better monitored and accounted for

Public benefit administrative burdens / forms could be reduced / be easier to comply with

People with mental health issues could go to state psychiatric centers/access assertive community treatment rather than nursing homes/prisons

Postpartum healthcare for new moms / gynecology could improve, include screening, and incorporate insurance-covered pelvic floor / physical therapy

The U.S. could have less maternal deaths through systemic review / standardization of treatment

New parents could get infant training / check-ins after birth

The troubled teen industry (youth boarding schools) could be regulated with oversight

Social services could be delivered remotely / by video calling

Native Americans could have access to better healthcare

A single information system could be used for people seeking social / homeless / housing services

U.S. medicare options could be easier for seniors to understand

People could be trained in offering high quality childcare

Problem doctors could have their operating privileges suspended by medical boards and institutions/medical personnel could face negligence damages for not reporting them

U.S. dental care could be more accessible for people

Dental care could be unproven / more regulated

Foster care could lead to quicker permanent situations

U.S. children could be required to be tested for lead