Tap / bottled water quality / chemicals could be discovered
Food / skincare / medicine additives / pesticides / herbicides that are banned in other countries could also be banned in the U.S.
Mercury, PCBs, antibiotics, dioxins, pesticides, other contaminants in seafood could not be there / be reduced
The Trinseo chemical plant / other chemical plants could not release dangerous chemicals
Sonar / noise could not harm whales / marine life
Nonstick pans could be harmful / polluting
Febreze / air fresheners could be toxic
U.S. military bases could not be toxic to service members and their families
Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water
Leaky septic tanks and fertilizer runoff could be prevented to provide seagrass to manatees
Banned chemicals could not be replaced with similar, harmful chemicals
Phalates, bisphenol A, and other chemicals could be affecting fertility and other health issues
Polluting chemical industries could be regulated and not placed in "sacrifice zones"
Industrial effluent could be regulated for release / made into a profitable business to prevent pollution
Nontoxic, bioremediation methods could be regulated for use in oil spills
Oil and gas fracking could release chemicals harmful to health
Nuclear / radioactive waste could be used for energy or disposed safely
The oil and gas industry could not abandon polluting, decaying wells
Companies going bankrupt could pay ahead for environmental cleanup costs
Consumer products could not contain PFAS (poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances)
U.S. citizens could have clean, running water and plumbing
Citizens could check their environment / drinking water
Carbon emissions could be priced, capped and traded, or taxed to be redistributed as rebates
Breast cancer could be seen as an environmental public health issue
Asbestos could be banned for use
U.S. water utilities could establish a timeline for lead pipes replacement
Cleaning products, laundry detergents, deodorants/antiperspirants, toothpaste, and air fresheners could be free from harmful chemicals