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How Higher Education could be different

Development could focus on the middle-class / higher education to build sustainable democracies

Early college / dual enrollment programs could increase college enrollment rates

Organizations could have too many managers

"Embedded growth obligations" could distort capitalism and market efficiency

Debate / critical thinking / logic could be taught

Universities could spend less on administration, research, buildings, and amenities

Universities could outline PhD job prospects and improve PhD mental health

Selective U.S. universities could expand and establish satellite locations

Alternatives to college could be promoted, funded, and accepted for jobs

"Summer melt" could be avoided to increase college attendance rates

Tenure could be replaced with contracts

Emergency financial microgrants could be provided to students

Jobs could require less degrees, credentials, and/or skills

Non-selective colleges, certificate, and training programs could be ranked and/or show student outcomes

Students could take a gap year

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Job training and education could be financed by future salaries

Prisoners could receive education and job training before release

Student surveys could evaluate teachers / schools