Tinder could be for jobs
Single parents could be hired
Refugees could be able to work / start businesses
"Two beers and a puppy" could evaluate trust
Unconscious bias training could be used in workplaces
Hiring could not rely on personality tests and AI
Multicultural experiences could lead to greater creativity and innovation
Case interviews could not predict job performance
Recruiting firms could help mothers / women
HR recruiting / job searching could be done by staffing agencies
Organizations could offer "returnships" for people to return-to-work
A workforce "skills gap" between employers and workers could be made up
Organizations could hire people with disabilities
Alternatives to college could be promoted, funded, and accepted for jobs
Immigrants, refugees and asylees could rebuild their careers in new countries
Guest worker programs could be reformed, expanded, and easier to access for immigrants and companies
Credit checks could not be used for employment decisions
Organizations could have open hiring practices / hire people with barriers
Organizations could hire recovering drug addicts
Jobs could require less degrees, credentials, and/or skills
Job interviews could be job tryouts
Job training and education could be financed by future salaries
Job training vouchers could be distributed by companies