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How Education could be different

Teacher surveys could evaluate principals / principal surveys could evaluate administrators

Teachers, principles, administrators could have carefully designed merit-based pay

The "Care Economy" could be incubated / formalized / nationalized across the world

School plays could change kids' lives

Standardized tests could be less about speed / more about deep thinking

School systems could spend less on consultants / tech / data collection / new curriculums

Writing could improve through copywork

Ordinary moments could become brain building activities for kids

Smartphones / tablets could not be allowed in schools

Boys could start school a year later

Schools could be micro

Teachers' unions could help or hinder schools

10,000 hours of practice could turn into expertise

A Nordic program could prevent bullying

A knowledge versus skills teaching approach could be more effective

Brain and exercise breaks could help students learn

Phonics could be used to teach reading

Debate / critical thinking / logic could be taught

Civics education could be a part of school curriculums

The Feynman technique could be used for learning / teaching

Environmentalism could be a part of education

Schools could be democratic

Education could be on television

Early childhood toxic stress could lead to lifelong learning and behavior issues

At-risk youth could repair custom cars, work with horses, learn cooking / boxing / wrestling, and/or develop art / music

Under-resourced students could explore creative writing

Racial/discrimination and adverse childhood experiences (ace) trauma could be considered in education, social services, therapy, and workplaces

School education could include women more and have less gender bias

Alternative schools could be effective, accountable, and engaging

Lotteries could be used to fill (student) government seats

Education could create better citizen / police interactions

Conversations and friendships among diverse people could prevent discrimination, racism, and hate crimes

Predictive analysis and early warning systems could identify at-risk students and help them succeed

Prisoners could have access to a liberal arts education

Video games could help preserve / teach language and culture

Executive skills / self-regulation coaching could help people achieve goals

Future planning / goal setting could be used in schools

The Holocaust and other genocides could be taught in schools

Sesame Street could help refugee children

Alumni networks could be created in high schools

Elements of KIPP charter schools could improve educational outcomes

Summer school could be fun, engaging, and improve academic outcomes

Children could be prepared for kindergarten through an online learning program

"Summer slide" could be addressed for better educational outcomes

Promise Neighborhoods could decrease poverty and improve educational outcomes

Buses could be retrofitted or become zero-emission, electric vehicles

Public schools could have less money if students go elsewhere

Youth could participate in service projects with stipends, education, and job training

School culture could be part of education evaluations

Mobile messaging could enable better school outcomes

Chess could be offered as a school activity

The FAFSA process could be easier to make financial aid more accessible

Students could cook, serve, and clean up lunch

Healthy school meals could be free for children

"Summer melt" could be avoided to increase college attendance rates

Learning disabilities could be better identified / addressed in schools

Schools could have smaller class sizes / more teachers

Cognitive Behavioral therapy could reduce crime and violence as well as improve education

Local governments could have one integrated data system and universal intake

Oysters / oyster shells could restore reefs along coastlines / prevent storm surges

Foreign teachers could teach languages / expose students to different cultures

Yoga, meditation, and/or mindfulness could be taught in physical or health education

Communities, schools, homes could have gardens and/or food forests

Healthy food / nutrition tips could be delivered to people

Diverse people could serve in two year teaching fellowships

School playgrounds could be more green

Mentorship could act as an extended family

Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students

News literacy could be taught

Learning could involve movement / standing

Schools could encourage parental engagement

Teachers could visit parents at home

Restorative discipline could be used in schools

A reading tablet or fitbit with text message reminders and tips could nudge parental engagement and education

School finances could be more efficient

Parenting classes could be taught in high school or be offered by nonprofits

Healthy relationship skills / sex education could be taught in high school / college

Graduation coaches could help at-risk youth throughout their education

Schools could not cut funding for art, music, or drama programs

Teachers could receive donations for specific requests

Low-cost, new books could be available to kids in need

Students could be able to see at school

Relationship building and data analysis could increase graduation rates

Teachers could receive performance-based bonuses

Job readiness skills / career development could be taught in schools

Public policy clearinghouses could be easier to use / more comprehensive

Students could take a gap year

Financial literacy could be taught in high schools

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Networks of schools implementing proven programs could lead to school reform

Children could not be shamed / put into debt if they cannot pay for school lunch

Public school district funding could be less unequal

Mindfulness / yoga could be used in detention

Schools could have a well-run school library

Students could earn micro-scholarships throughout high school

Parents could be encouraged to talk more to their newborns and infants

National educational, scientific, and historical standards could be set for school textbooks

Volunteer tutors could help to improve literacy rates

Also posted on IdeaStormz- The Requirement to Fail, a review on essays.

Low income students could be given more information and support to apply to competitive colleges

Three kinds of tenure tracks could be used in universities

More advisement and support could increase college graduation rates

Syllabi could be collected and shared online

Citizens could receive a basic / guaranteed income (with restrictions or on a EBT card)

Computer programming could be taught as language arts.

Course syllabi could be available online in a searchable format.

Preschool / daycare could be part of the public education system

People could learn from others in their community or people online

Make peer teaching a big thing

Textbooks could be rented

Colleges could improve how facilities and buildings are used

Credit could be transferred to colleges more easily

All students could be encouraged or required to take a "gap year"

Healthy school meals could be available to schoolkids

A More Modest Proposal Concering Education

Informal Logic could be a component of Secondary Education

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) could help violent and chronic juvenile offenders

Schools could have coaches that organize play during recess and after school

Bullying could be addressed with babies

Students could learn at home / do homework in school

A digital merit badge system could give credentials to job seekers and encourage life long learning

Education could be available online for free

Corporal punishment could be banned in schools

Small schools could boost graduation rates

Performance-based scholarships could increase student achievement

Learning communities at community colleges could promote student achievement

Career Academies could improve labor market outcomes for students

Families could receive assistance with the FAFSA form in order to increase college attendance

Teachers could be trained by apprenticeship programs

The Nurse-Family Partnership / parent home visiting programs could be used more widely

Public schools could offer apprenticeships / internships

Student surveys could evaluate teachers / schools

Schools could offer better counseling for at-risk youth