U.S. health insurers could not collect billions in fraud from U.S. Medicaid
Young adults could be adopted
Therapists could be more regulated / accountable
U.S. hospice care could not have fraud / mismanagement / abuse
U.S. state government could create more affordable housing
U.S. Medicaid could be more available to those in need / have less administrative errors
Foster children could receive Social Security, death / survivorship, and/or veterans benefits rather than the state
Foster care could be less difficult for foster parents to prevent children from going to group homes
CARE courts / easily available medication could help with mental illnesses / homelessness
Public pensions could be too high in some places / to some people / could be capped at some amount
Squatters could not have rights / abilities to stay on properties
U.S. state universities could spend less / have less tuition increases / provide transparent financial data
911 response times could be better
Family courts / divorce courts could be corrupt
Cardiomyopathy / embolisms / heart issues, hemorrhage, blood clots, infections, placental abruptions, pregnacy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia), suicides could be tracked / prevented in pregnant (U.S.) women
Receiving disability benefits could not require lawyers / payments
Reintroducing wolves could be both good and bad
Parents could not be billed for foster care
Foster care kids could have nightlights / care packages / suitcases
Child marriage could not be allowed in the U.S. / world
Glass could become sand / rebuild coastlines / be upcycled
First responders / schools / airplanes / pharmacies / public places could have EpiPens
Marijuana could not have mold, bacteria, pesticides / better safety standards
Puppies, kittens, rabbits, etc. could be only obtained by responsible breeders / shelters
Public pensions could be invested in transparent, audited companies / have open contracts
Penalties could occur for harassing, intimidating, threatening, etc. election workers / volunteers
Clergy could report crimes
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) could be screened for pre- and post-partum with available treatment options
U.S. government block grants could be unaccountable / unable to meet needs
Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry
Psychiatric / addiction care for homelessness could be coordinated by the state rather than county
Defibrillators could be more commonly placed with known locations
Ranked-choice voting could be used
Private equity could affect U.S. autism care / innovation
Forensic science / crime labs could be independent of the police / prosecution
Restraining orders could be stronger / have consequences / psych evaluations
Low-head water dams could be marked with signage / buoys or be removed
Solutions could reduce U.S gun violence / suicides
U.S. TANF (welfare) could have less strict eligibility / diversion requirements, time limits, non-compliance sanctions to reach families in need
The U.S. could have secure gun storage laws
The U.S. minimum age to buy a gun could be 21 or higher
Citizens with any history of mental illness / violent internet posts / dangerous histories / no references could not obtain guns
The Charleston loophole could be closed in gun ownership
Rape / sexual assault police and FBI investigations could be improved
The housing voucher process could streamlined and faster
Pell Grants could be increased, public universities could be more affordable, and student debt / loan practices could be reformed
The U.S. nurse / healthcare workers / doctors - patient staffing ratio and standards of care could improve
Eyewitness identification, custodial interrogation / recording, judge bias, access to post-conviction DNA testing, evidence preservation, public defense funding / quality, plea bargains, and forensic science could improve to prevent wrongful convictions
Victims of domestic violence, stalking, and/or harassment could have confidential addresses
Shadow / hidden unregulated foster care could not exist
Domestic abuse survivors could access permanent housing more easily / faster
The legal definition of domestic abuse could expand
Divorce could be quicker / easier in cases of domestic abuse
Domestic abusers could lose guns
Unemployment departments could protected against fraud
Citizens could not become law enforcers or bounty hunters
Family planning and pregnancy/maternal healthcare could be more available in Texas, South Dakota, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Florida, Missouri, and more
Private equity could disclose fees / real performance as well as be audited independently
Employee labor rights in restaurants could be protected
Polluting chemical industries could be regulated and not placed in "sacrifice zones"
Foster siblings could stay together
EMS workers could be paid more and ambulances / EMS could be an affordable, guaranteed service for citizens
U.S. states could not have anti-BDS laws
Condominiums could have better governance and money for repairs
Homelessness government spending could be more efficient, less regulated, coordinated, prioritized, and tracked
The Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program could not manipulate homeowners
U.S. "stand your ground" laws could be revised
Automatic voter registration could increase voting participation and accuracy
Medical boards could evaluate doctors, type of prescriptions given, and fatal / non-fatal overdoses
An attractions passport could encourage tourism
States could require carbon monoxide alarms
The U.S. debt-collection industry could be regulated more
Infrastructure could be built more quickly by learning from China
Foster care parent abuse could be better monitored and accounted for
Child abuse versus neglect / poverty could be differentiated / treated differently
Public benefit administrative burdens / forms could be reduced / be easier to comply with
U.S. unemployment insurance could be less difficult to get
Duplication, overlap, and fragmentation could be fixed for U.S. mental health services
Judges could be appointed rather than elected
SLAPP laws could be changed to prevent muzzling lawsuits
Federal and state legislation could adhere to a single, defined subject without rider amendments
The Pacific Northwest could be prepared for a major earthquake
Reliability and accuracy of voting systems could be improved / explained to citizens
Native American reservations, D.C., Puerto Rico, or other U.S. territories could have statehood or representation in Congress
Senior / developmentally disabled guardianship/conservatorship could be reformed to prevent abuse
The U.S. could have less maternal deaths through systemic review / standardization of treatment
Voting could be accessible and accurate for citizens
Nonpartisan voter guides could be mailed to voters
The troubled teen industry (youth boarding schools) could be regulated with oversight
The criminal justice system / self-defense could change for survivors of abuse
Pedophiles could get therapy and psychiatric / hormonal drugs
Juries could be more diverse by race, gender, and income
Public employees could be called upon to be "Disaster Service Workers"
Diagnostic testing for infectious diseases could be distributed and processed quickly and safely with clear public guidance
Bottled water could be regulated in coming from spring fed or local groundwater sources
Fines, violations, license suspensions, and increasing debts could not negatively impact the poor
Pharmacies could make less prescription mistakes
Governments could show the impact of economic development subsidies / corporate incentives and tax breaks
Landlord-tenant laws could be more balanced to prevent evictions
Auditors could serve and be hired by the public and legislative bodies
U.S. teachers could have less meetings and paperwork
Undocumented immigrants, foster children, homeless, and other vulnerable people could have municipal ID cards
District Attorneys, prosecutors, and judges could reform the U.S. criminal justice system
Voting machines could not be hackable
Deed theft and mortgage fraud could be stopped and prevented through greater awareness
Charter schools could be more regulated and accountable
U.S. child support could go to parents rather than the state
Parenting could be free-range
Red flag laws could be a part of U.S. gun ownership
Dyslexia could be screened for in kindergarten and prisons
The FBI and CIA could devote more resources to investigating white-nationalists and other forms of domestic terrorism
Defensive design could prevent floods
"Summer slide" could be addressed for better educational outcomes
Intersex people could be able to choose how they want to be
U.S. prisoners could receive better / less negligent healthcare
U.S. childcare could have better state oversight and quality standards
The supply and hours available of childcare could be improved
Dental care could be unproven / more regulated
Prisons could have compassionate release
Buying a mobile home / renting land could be financially harmful to residents
Naxolone / overdose education could be more widely / anonymously available to prevent overdoses
Prison release halfway houses could be redesigned, better managed, and/or not used
Food systems could be mapped out
Schools could have smaller class sizes / more teachers
Public pensions could be managed by qualified investment managers and/or an independent board
U.S. infrastructure permitting could be faster
Juveniles could not be tried, sentenced, and incarcerated as adults
Credit checks could not be used for employment decisions
Involuntary commitment laws could include complying with doctors' recommendations
Foster care could lead to quicker permanent situations
U.S. child support could depend on a current income or be by providing child care
Marijuana could be legalized to help opioid addiction
The 911 system could be fixed, updated, and enable texting / video
Housing, cash, educational guidance, financial counseling, employment, and/or other supports could be provided to transitioning foster youth
Foster care could be extended past 18
Cash bail / waiting times in jail for non-violent, pretrial defendants could improve
Horse-drawn carriages could be banned or have regulations for horse welfare
U.S. teachers could be paid more
Prosecutors and judges could be held accountable for misconduct
Restaurant workers could be paid a minimum wage
Lead poisoning awareness campaigns and preventative actions could happen across the world
U.S. children could be required to be tested for lead
U.S. water utilities could establish a timeline for lead pipes replacement
States could not promote lotteries
Voting could be done by mail
Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback
Networks of schools implementing proven programs could lead to school reform
U.S. states could expand Medicaid to prevent the coverage gap
New parents could receive a baby box
National educational, scientific, and historical standards could be set for school textbooks
FEMA could handle natural disasters meeting higher thresholds of scale and severity
Gun buyers could be required to have references from 2 or more people
Congressional districts could be redrawn by an independent, non- or bipartisan commission
Assisted suicide / euthanasia could be legal