Governments could not have obsolete, outdated, siloed technological systems
Government department headquarters could be located outside of the capital
Moneyball / clear data / 10-K reports could be built for government
Public pensions could be too high in some places / to some people / could be capped at some amount
FEMA could have a better / quicker / less fragmented / less complicated / adequately staffed and funded response to natural disasters / emergencies
U.S. food safety legislation could be less complicated / overlapping
Civil grand juries could help keep government accountable
The U.S. military industrial complex could be too powerful / create wars
News media, journalism, and/or social media could be independent of government / censorship
Government positions could not be obtained by bribes
Continuous quality improvement / customer satisfaction surveys / stakeholder feedback through interviews & focus groups / data outcomes / sharing best practices could be used in government programs
A majority of U.S. FDA funding could not come from the pharmaceutical industry
Prediction markets could improve future forecasts / public policy
Psychiatric / addiction care for homelessness could be coordinated by the state rather than county
Countries could be prevented from taking on crippling debt / having public financial mismanagement
Government operations could be paperless / automated
Homelessness / drug addiction could be dealt with more comprehensively than "Housing First"
Philanthropy could encourage policy options that are beneficial
Services delivered could be audited at nonprofits / government contractors and feedback could be continuously collected from service recipients
The revolving door between government / private business could be fixed
Governments / organizations could improve "use it or lose it" deadline budgeting
Homelessness government spending could be more efficient, less regulated, coordinated, prioritized, and tracked
U.S. infrastructure could or could not be privatized
Democracies could not have ethnic / tribal / religious political parties
Companies / people could not bribe, give donations, and/or gifts to government officials
Citizens could access government records
Qualified government leaders could serve for longer terms
Civics education could be a part of school curriculums
Decentralization could or could not lead to better government
Meritocratic recruitment/rewards/wages/benefits, smaller government, intrinsic motivation, decentralization, and performance monitoring/auditing/feedback could improve governments
Government contracting with nonprofits vs. private organizations could be examined
Clinical knowledge, health workers' absenteeism rates, corruption/bribes/theft, power outages, and drug/medical supply availability / counterfeit medications could be improved in global health
Public sector unions could prevent government reform / lead to adverse decisions
Countries could have universal healthcare coverage
Infrastructure could be built more quickly by learning from China
Duplication, fragmentation, and overlap could be fixed across government
Duplication, overlap, and fragmentation could be fixed for U.S. mental health services
U.S. cybersecurity companies/contractors could be protected against attacks
U.S. intelligence agencies could be streamlined, have a command authority for better coordination, and/or resemble MI-5/CSIS
Federal and state legislation could adhere to a single, defined subject without rider amendments
U.S. political appointees could be qualified, accountable, have different criteria for selection, and be reduced in size
Government RFPs could have be simpler, have less requirements, and elicit more solutions from industry
International aid could focus on improving government services and private development
Public servants (and relatives) could not serve on company boards / own companies to prevent conflicts of interest
Competition, trial phases, past performance evaluation, and effective monitoring could create more efficient government contracting
Puerto Rico's tax shelter for the rich could demonstrate economic development
Instances of government waste/inefficiency could be compiled clearly on a website
Government privatization / contracting / consulting could create inefficient spending not in the public interest
Government employees could perform services instead of contractors / consultants to save taxpayer money
Lotteries could be used to fill (student) government seats
Malfunctioning police departments could be disbanded to create reform
A "Nation Building Best Practices Model" could be used in international development
The World Health Organization's structure, management, and focus could improve
Organization research could focus more on public administration
Government contracting could have share-in savings, contests, rewards for cost-saving ideas, and more meaningful past/public performance evaluations
Government purchasing managers could have oversight and rewards/penalties for performance
Governments could show the impact of economic development subsidies / corporate incentives and tax breaks
Auditors could be audited
Government performance auditing could be publicized more and tackle risky topics
Government audits of public resources could reduce corruption
Politicians and judges could undergo psychological screenings
The revolving door / regulatory capture between government and industry could be fixed
Local governments could have one integrated data system and universal intake
Public program evaluation could include comparable cost benefit analysis
Human-centered design could be used in the social sector and business
RCTs could be a marginal way to inform public policy
Behavioral economics, consumer insight research, and mystery shopping could be used in the design and delivery of public programs
Public policy ideas could be easier to access through artificial intelligence
Social services could be coordinated / mapped out across agencies and community organizations
Local governments could consolidate services
Public policy clearinghouses could be easier to use / more comprehensive
Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback
Children could be registered at birth
Networks of schools implementing proven programs could lead to school reform