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How Global Humanitarian Aid / Response could be different

Care kits with resources information for the homeless / humanitarian situations could be developed

Humanitarian food assistance could not be diverted / stolen

FEMA could have a better / quicker / less fragmented / less complicated / adequately staffed and funded response to natural disasters / emergencies

Breast milk could be freeze-dried

Tents could be cooler / warmer

Comfort kits could help migrant / refugee children

Solar microgrids could provide power and withstand hurricanes / tropical storms

Refugees could receive mental healthcare

DayOne waterbags could be used for disasters, survival, and camping

Single use, compostable toilets could be available in developing countries and humanitarian crises

The Red Cross could improve its operations, transparency, and results

Development aid / charity could not have as much overhead and go to the country's citizens, government, and/or businesses/nonprofits

Architecture / design could be humanitarian

BBQ / good food could be served after natural disasters / for refugees and war victims

Insurance could prepare for famines, pandemics, weather changes, climate change, and humanitarian disasters

USAID could have climate/health early warning systems, facilitate private capital, create innovations, and partner with FEMA

Public employees could be called upon to be "Disaster Service Workers"

Can island residents be evacuated before hurricanes?

Veterans could help with natural disasters

A nation or city could be created for or highly accept refugees

Humanitarian response could include menstrual hygiene management (MGM)

Humanitarian assistance could have consolidation in fragile contexts

Breweries could provide water in beer cans during emergencies

More humanitarian aid could be given in cash

Airbnb / homestay hosts could provide emergency accommodations