Parents of premie / preterm / NICU babies could receive extended parental leave
Farmworkers / construction / all workers could be prevented from heatstroke / kidney damage / death
H-1B visas could replacing American workers at a lower cost
U.S. rail companies could have adequate staffing / increased safety standards / liability / shorter train length to prevent derailments
Marijuana could not have mold, bacteria, pesticides / better safety standards
Workplace time off / support could be provided for fertility treatment / pregnancy ailments
FedEx / UPS trucks could have air conditioning or cooling options
TV / movie crews and actors could have better hours
Private garbage collection could have better labor protection and safety
Companies could not discourage and/or prevent labor unions
Adequate paid leave / time off could be offered after miscarriage, stillbirth, bereavement, and/or other traumatic events
Domestic workers could have better labor conditions / rights
Amazon's next-day delivery could be changed to be more humane to workers
Employee labor rights in restaurants could be protected
Employers could not use intrusive digital surveillance technologies on employees
U.S. workers could not have mandatory overtime and work without air conditioning
Short-term disability coverage could be easier to access
OSHA could be more effective and worker's compensation/insurance offerings could be better for employees
The meatpacking industry could have better labor rights / conditions
Doctors and healthcare workers could better access mental health services
Medical residency could be less stressful and labor intensive
Universities could outline PhD job prospects and improve PhD mental health
Pregnant women's workplace rights could be protected
Law firm employment could be possible for working mothers and fathers
Nail polish / salons could not be toxic
Labor unions could be organized and regulated differently to prevent corruption
Workplaces could make it easier for women to breastfeed babies
The U.S. and Japan could offer more vacation for employees
Restaurant workers could be paid a minimum wage
Amazon, FedEx, UPS, XPO Logistics, and other companies that use shipping warehouses could treat workers more humanely
Self-employed / freelancers could have access to pooled insurance options
Employers could be required to offer sick days