Prisoners could become lawyers / be able to get legal education
Prisons could have sanitary / safe conditions
Eyewitness identification, custodial interrogation / recording, judge bias, access to post-conviction DNA testing, evidence preservation, public defense funding / quality, plea bargains, and forensic science could improve to prevent wrongful convictions
Lawyers / psychiatrists / conservators / judges for conservator cases could be vetted by outside party and have better incentives
Nursing homes could not use antipsychotic drugs on people with dementia
Intelligence agencies / law enforcement could not entrap people
Foster care parent abuse could be better monitored and accounted for
Free labor at rehab centers could be investigated / monitored
Senior / developmentally disabled guardianship/conservatorship could be reformed to prevent abuse
Interrogation approaches could be ethical, legal, and effective
Plea bargains could reformed or not used
Intersex people could be able to choose how they want to be
Prisoners could be able to share conditions of jails and treatment
U.S. prisoners could receive better / less negligent healthcare
U.S. immigrant detention centers could provide adequate medical care to detainees
Prisons could have regulated temperatures
People (children) could have legal representation in immigration courts
The asylum / temporary work visa process could be easier / faster at the U.S.-Mexico border
Food could be labeled "Food Justice Certified" or "Fair Food"
Public defender offices could be fully funded
Solitary confinement in prisons could be limited / abolished
Assisted suicide / euthanasia could be legal