Food banks / pantries could be like grocery stores
Tips could not be taxed
U.S. state government could create more affordable housing
U.S. Medicaid could be more available to those in need / have less administrative errors
Foster children could receive Social Security, death / survivorship, and/or veterans benefits rather than the state
Bus riders could have benches
Baby bonds could be started for low-income children
Colleges with big endowments could increase their incoming classes / help with student loans / enroll more students of diverse economic backgrounds
A "document locker" could help people access social benefits
The U.S. / world could have more public swimming pools / lessons
"Shallow rent subsidies" could prevent homelessness
Early college / dual enrollment programs could increase college enrollment rates
Receiving disability benefits could not require lawyers / payments
Parents could not be billed for foster care
Abandoned bikes could go to the poor / developing countries
Investors / corporations / foreign buyers could drive up home prices / rent
U.S. government block grants could be unaccountable / unable to meet needs
Food banks / food programs could offer nutritious, healthy food / education
Homeless people could have safe parking lots for RVs / vehicles
Families could be enrolled in Medicaid / social services at laundromats, hairdressers, or other public places
Poor families could be disincentivized to participate in TANF (welfare) due to child welfare investigation / requiring ex-partner child support
U.S. TANF (welfare) could have less strict eligibility / diversion requirements, time limits, non-compliance sanctions to reach families in need
The investing gap could contribute to income inequality
Foster and vulnerable children could express needs / receive funding on a website
High schools could have exercise / wellness / support / service groups afterschool
Employees could have employer-matched emergency savings accounts
Low-income people could receive legal help with trained legal navigators
The housing voucher process could streamlined and faster
Pell Grants could be increased, public universities could be more affordable, and student debt / loan practices could be reformed
Housing could be possible to obtain for those with past evictions / bad credit and motel stays could be less expensive
U.S. primary healthcare / doctor availability / Medicaid acceptance could be improved in low income areas
Finding and obtaining available affordable housing could be easier
Small business owners could have better financing opportunities than predatory cash loans
Cities / towns could have free public wifi
Native American reservation food could be less expensive
Domestic workers could have better labor conditions / rights
Schools could be more socio-economically integrated
U.S. rural schools could have better funding / improve
Rural healthcare and hospital availability could improve
Minimum balance, banking fees, accessibility / location, lack of public education / financial literacy outreach could be deterrents to financial inclusion
Financial aid offers could be clearer / easier to understand
Polluting chemical industries could be regulated and not placed in "sacrifice zones"
Low income people could have access to museums and cultural institutions
Excessive government spending could cause inflation
Zoning rules and land-use regulations could be improved for more affordable housing
Boarding housing and SROs could provide affordable housing
Youth and adults could learn important social-emotional and life skills
U.S. social welfare policy could engage fathers more
Real estate could be bought pre-foreclosure
Car/van dwellers could sleep undisturbed in designated areas
People could be able to dress for success
Filing for bankruptcy could be easier and less expensive
Child abuse versus neglect / poverty could be differentiated / treated differently
Public benefit administrative burdens / forms could be reduced / be easier to comply with
U.S. unemployment insurance could be less difficult to get
Workamping could be a retirement/way to make income
Face-to-face mediated chats could help prevent housing evictions
Libraries could eliminate fines or ask for donations
Dollar stores could offer healthier food options to consumers
Different parts of cities and homes could receive help to be decorated for the holidays
Early childhood toxic stress could lead to lifelong learning and behavior issues
U.S. hospitals, universities, and other profitable organizations could have to meet requirements to be classified as nonprofits or change into for-profit
Internships / apprenticeships could help the long-term unemployed get back to work
At-risk youth could repair custom cars, work with horses, learn cooking / boxing / wrestling, and/or develop art / music
Renters could build equity or buy their buildings
Under-resourced students could explore creative writing
Broadband internet infrastructure could be accessible for people
U.S. social security could be means-tested, start at a later retirement age, and/or have higher taxes
School lunches could have less food waste / share excess food
Community fridges and pantries could be available
Minor crime arrests, racial and religious profiling, stop and frisk, police quotas, fines, and seizure of property could create community distrust and resentment of police
Social services could be delivered remotely / by video calling
Doulas and/or midwives could result in positive pregnancy and infant outcomes
An incubator could help low-income businesses grow
Soccer or other recreation parks could be located at public transit stops
Fines, violations, license suspensions, and increasing debts could not negatively impact the poor
Grocery stores could sell unattractive, mislabeled, or expired food at lower cost
Cities/towns could develop a city rent escrow account program, grade rental properties, create a tenants union, have training on healthy housing, and reward good landlords
Landlord-tenant laws could be more balanced to prevent evictions
Better designed websites/notifications could give legal guidance to both renters and landlords
Tenants could have easier access to legal help, right to legal counsel, and/or housing assistance
Social clubs could create community development, networking, and other positive outcomes
A single information system could be used for people seeking social / homeless / housing services
People could be trained in offering high quality childcare
Deed theft and mortgage fraud could be stopped and prevented through greater awareness
U.S. citizens could have clean, running water and plumbing
Selective U.S. universities could expand and establish satellite locations
U.S. child support could go to parents rather than the state
A two-generation / intergenerational care / whole family approach could be used in social services
Community health workers / entrepreneurs / mentors / volunteers could improve health outcomes
Black Americans / Native Americans / Chinese / Latinos / LGBTQ / women could be given reparations
The workforce system could be revamped by accurate labor market data, better website information/applications/online courses, and employer/education coordination
A classroom could be on wheels for at-risk youths and adults
"Learning landscapes" in commonly used areas / playgrounds could help boost education and literacy
U.S. dental care could be more accessible for people
Promise Neighborhoods could decrease poverty and improve educational outcomes
Community beautification could create economic development, lower crime, and raise quality of life
U.S. childcare could have better state oversight and quality standards
The supply and hours available of childcare could be improved
U.S. childcare could be easier to access for low-income familes
Buying a mobile home / renting land could be financially harmful to residents
Businesses and nonprofits could be pay-what-you-can
Schools / colleges could have hygiene and food pantries
A basic income could be only spent on certain things
A workforce "skills gap" between employers and workers could be made up
Alternatives to college could be promoted, funded, and accepted for jobs
Workers' low wages could be subsidized by the government, philanthropy, and/or the hiring organizations
Venture capital could reach entrepreneurs in diverse areas to create economic opportunities
Prisoners could receive housing vouchers, food vouchers and/or a basic income upon release to reduce recidivism
Students could cook, serve, and clean up lunch
Healthy school meals could be free for children
Farm subsidies could be used to create healthy school lunches
Cognitive Behavioral therapy could reduce crime and violence as well as improve education
Local governments could have one integrated data system and universal intake
The welfare cliff could be fixed in public benefits to not discourage work / marriage
A housing voucher program could aid poverty
Cash could be given through rental subsidies, taxes, or child savings accounts to aid poverty
Diapers / diaper banks could be available to low income families
Apps could encourage saving / budgeting as well as offer financial advice / education / rewards
Moving to jobs could be easier for low-income people
Tax-free investments could revitalize distressed economic areas
Graduation programs could be better than just giving cash to aid poverty
Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students
Businesses / nonprofits could be worker-owned cooperatives
HUD could better inspect and maintain public housing
Marriage disincentives in public benefit programs could change
Credit checks could not be used for employment decisions
Free health clinics / counseling could be available
Social worker turnover could be reduced
Native American economic development projects could be easier to implement
Native Americans could have property rights on reservations
U.S. child support could depend on a current income or be by providing child care
Employers could offer lower interest payday loans
Financial wellness / savings / loan products could be offered to employees
The post office could offer financial services
Check cashers and credit unions could form strategic alliances to reach low-income consumers
Banking products could be more available, transparent, and accessible for low-income consumers
Organizations could have open hiring practices / hire people with barriers
Digital vans could bring wifi access / computers to low-income or rural areas
Tax credits could be offered to companies to train workers
Libraries could assist people with jobs and public benefits
Emergency financial microgrants could be provided to students
Schools could have washers and dryers
Microinsurance could be offered to low-income people
Cash bail / waiting times in jail for non-violent, pretrial defendants could improve
States could not promote lotteries
Social services could be coordinated / mapped out across agencies and community organizations
Non-selective colleges, certificate, and training programs could be ranked and/or show student outcomes
Families could lead themselves out of poverty
Zero interest loans could help people build credit
Financial coaching could be integrated into existing social services
Students could be able to see at school
Job readiness skills / career development could be taught in schools
Moving to better neighborhoods could positively affect poor families
Financial literacy could be taught in high schools
Adult basic education could be achieved at work
Job training could be done by apprenticeships or internships
Health practitioners could be trained in offering Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives
Job training and education could be financed by future salaries
U.S. TANF work requirements could be improved
An online account could distribute all public benefits
Children could be encouraged to get passports and travel
Local and national social services could be searchable / applied for online
Prisoners could receive education and job training before release
Small-dollar loans could have transparent terms, be online, offer financial education, and the opportunity to build credit
Parents could be encouraged to talk more to their newborns and infants
Child support orders could be based on current income and assist with job placement/retention
The GED could lead to a high school diploma
Lotteries or prizes could encourage people to save more
Low income students could be given more information and support to apply to competitive colleges
Debit card users information could be used in credit scoring
Cash stipends could be given directly to the poor
More advisement and support could increase college graduation rates
Citizens could receive a basic / guaranteed income (with restrictions or on a EBT card)
Preschool / daycare could be part of the public education system
A landlord watchlist website could improve housing conditions
Access to childcare could be improved in low income communities
Incarceration could not be treated as "voluntary unemployment" to calculate child support arrears
Interest rates could be capped for payday loans
Children Savings Accounts could be required for every newborn or kindergartner
Employment applications could not ask about criminal history to reduce recidivism
The Nurse-Family Partnership / parent home visiting programs could be used more widely
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) could have states accountable for outcome based performance measures
All public housing could be offered through portable rental vouchers
The U.S. minimum wage could be indexed to inflation / increased