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How Government Contracting / Procurement could be different

Governments could not have obsolete, outdated, siloed technological systems

Prisons could have sanitary / safe conditions

Defense / government contractors could be tech startups / additional companies

Public pensions could be invested in transparent, audited companies / have open contracts

"Embedded growth obligations" could distort capitalism and market efficiency

The revolving door between government / private business could be fixed

ProZorro could improve government contracting / corruption

International development / aid could be reimagined / audited to show positive results for developing countries

U.S. infrastructure could or could not be privatized

Companies / people could not bribe, give donations, and/or gifts to government officials

Government contracting with nonprofits vs. private organizations could be examined

Clinical knowledge, health workers' absenteeism rates, corruption/bribes/theft, power outages, and drug/medical supply availability / counterfeit medications could be improved in global health

Duplication, fragmentation, and overlap could be fixed across government

Government RFPs could have be simpler, have less requirements, and elicit more solutions from industry

Competition, trial phases, past performance evaluation, and effective monitoring could create more efficient government contracting

The extractive industry could publish payments to and contracts made with governments

International development / aid could have transparency

Government privatization / contracting / consulting could create inefficient spending not in the public interest

Government employees could perform services instead of contractors / consultants to save taxpayer money

Software coders and new technology could improve government services

Government contracting could have share-in savings, contests, rewards for cost-saving ideas, and more meaningful past/public performance evaluations

Public ownership registries could eliminate illicit financial schemes and government corruption

Government purchasing managers could have oversight and rewards/penalties for performance

Government contracting rules could have two overarching rules to serve taxpayers better

Large bounties and penalties could be established to prevent and catch government contracting waste and fraud

Diagnostic testing for infectious diseases could be distributed and processed quickly and safely with clear public guidance

Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices

Auditors could serve and be hired by the public and legislative bodies

Auditors could be audited

Charter schools could be more regulated and accountable

Prisoners could be able to share conditions of jails and treatment

U.S. prisoners could receive better / less negligent healthcare

Governments could have open contracting

Local governments could have one integrated data system and universal intake

U.S. immigrant detention centers could provide adequate medical care to detainees

HUD could better inspect and maintain public housing

Human-centered design could be used in the social sector and business

Social services could be coordinated / mapped out across agencies and community organizations

Government contractors with public interest in mind could oversee other contractors

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Small businesses could more easily bid for government contracts